Rise of the Great Equestrian War

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It was a quiet peaceful day in the valley. All herbivorous dinosaurs were at peace. The mother hadrosaurs were resting by their nests tending to their newly laid eggs, the hadrosaurs grazed the tops of the trees, and many of the low brow grazers helped themselves to the grass and shrubs, and the pond they were nestled in. One of the youngsters of this herd, a young parasaurolophus, spent his days playing with his friends, but right now he was by himself, allowing him to play what he wanted

One of his favorite activities was chasing the Darwinopterus flock by the shore until they flew off. Once they flew to the trees for safety, the young hadrosaur watched in adoration, then he heard a nearby flapping, he looks o see a little gliding lizard called Coelurosauravus rest on a log, peeking his fascination

When trying to get a closer look, his presence unintentionally startled the lizard to gliding to the nearby forest where the little dinosaur follows. At the edge of the forest the young parasaurolophus finds the Coelurosauravus resting on the roots. But then it flutters away just as the young hadrosaur was about to pounce. But then something else caught his attention, a reptilian tail like an iguana, but upright legs that looked like a raptor, but what frightened him was the sights of its blood red eyes as it revealed itself to be a humanoid reptile, the Iguanoid

 But then something else caught his attention, a reptilian tail like an iguana, but upright legs that looked like a raptor, but what frightened him was the sights of its blood red eyes as it revealed itself to be a humanoid reptile, the Iguanoid

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The scared hadrosaur shrieks in fear as he dashes off. The iguanoid roars as it is revealed to be a whole pack of sixteen as they charge out of the forest. When the herd saw the iguanoids, they all fled for safety of the forest, getting ring sling carriers made of leaves so the mothers could protect their eggs without them getting harmed, but it wasn't females the Iguanoids were after. It was the bulls, more specifically, the ceratopsians consisting of Triceratops and Monoclonius

The iguanoids get out their whips and lassos and round up an entire herd of mixed ceratopsians, the dinosaurs roaring and bellowing for help, but iguanoids get out custom ceratopsian nuzzles to clamp their beaks closed. The lead iguanoid hisses with pleasure as he calls to his clan in a primal tongue and they clamp shackles on their legs forcing them to come with them
(Intro theme)
We cut to harmony land in one of its training gyms. Sawyer was there with Cera's father topps as they test out her new Tricera armor, and her Tricera Drill and Shield, and so far it sure came in handy

Sawyer: wow! Mechagodizlla wasn't kidding when he said this armor would come in handy

Cera: well it does make ya look pretty cool. Plus your new transformation power

Sawyer: yeah, Godzilla said that in battle when the heat is up, my pink energem will allow me to turn into a triceratops!

Topps: of course it does! That pink shiny stone chose a three horn because were the best!

Sawyer: (playfully) really?

Cera: yeah! Because three horns can do ANYTHING they set their mind to! And be the best at it

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