A turning point

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It was quite a busy day in Harmony Land as many creatures went to one particular restaurant in Ponyville, and the Harmony Guardians were there as well

SpongeBob: I'm so exited! I heard cool Jonny is the best chef in the world!

Ton-Ton: I heard his cooking is so dude, even he's the dudest!

Dozer: yeah, that's not a word

Ton-Ton: it should be

Hanazuki: well I heard he makes the most hestest, most sweetest, most savory crab and egg fried rice in all of equestria! The moment ya stuff it in your mouth, you'll taste it's sweet savory deliciousness!

Torch: Hmm. That does sound pretty interesting

Paris: did she just say "crab and egg fried rice"?

Chomp: this sounds vaguely familiar

Inside the restaurant's kitchen, the famous chef Jonny, was preparing another crab and egg-fried rice. He poured some scrabbled eggs into a wok before he started stirring it around. Others gathered around to watch as he started tossing the rice around the stove. Once he was done, he poured a golden-colored sauce over it and presented it to the other cooks

 Once he was done, he poured a golden-colored sauce over it and presented it to the other cooks

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Everyone amazed at his work in amazement

Unbeknownst to them, one of the eggs that 'Johnny Cook' had to make his masterpiece was not an egg at all, but a Dinosaur Card capsule.
(Intro theme)
Once everyone made it inside the restaurant, they were all shocked to see how stocked it was

Patrick: looks like everyone wants some crab and egg fried rice

Hanazuki: ooh! I can hardly wait to taste its sweet savory goodness!

The gang then make their way to a large table where they were presented each with a serving of the spectacular delicacy as they all help themselves

Dozer: Hmm. They are savory. Not getting the sweet part yet. (Jolts up) oh! There it is

When the D-team looked at their servings, they knew this situation seemed familiar

Chomp: oh my gosh! It IS crab and egg fried rice! Oh I've never even ONCE got a chance to taste its delicious goodness!

While that happened, 'Johnny' was continuing to make more of his rice. As he grabbed one of the eggs to crack it open, he accidentally grabbed onto the capsule from earlier and hit it on the wok. It opened up and four cards fell into the fire before activating

Chomp: well, here goes. Past the teeth, over the gums, look out stomach here it comes!

He then chows down and immediately shudders at it sweet savory taste

Chomp: so worth it!

But as they continued, the door to the kitchen burst open and a dinosaur came out. The dinosaur was a large theropod, about as large, if not larger, than Terry. It was mostly a golden color, with brown markings running along the back, covering most of the face, and on each of the arms and legs, along with small brown and gold spines on its back from head to tail, largest on center back. This dinosaur was a Mapusaurus.

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