Mesozoic Mess

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Everyone was absolutely horrified to hear about what had become of Torch and the velociraptors, and about how they lost the Mapusaurus during the process. Some of them wished they could've been there so they could've prevented this

Chomp: I only wish I wasn't so preoccupied with getting even with the Mapusaurus so that I could've helped torch. And I wish that, that I would've fought by his side. This wasn't the first time that we lost him

Paris: we met torch some time ago in Colorado. Chomp and his human partner were tricked into doing a showdown with him, and made him so worn out that he could be easy for the alpha gang to capture him

Danny: don't worry. We'll get him and the Mapusaurus when we see them again

Terry: but we don't know when that could be

Ace: and right now we have someone else to help out

Tank then reveals a damaged Jonathan on her back making everyone gasp in shock and back away

Hanazuki: is he really a robot alien?

Yar: humans aren't aliens. They're cold blooded monsters from across the sea! Vicious! Flesh eating!

Jonathan stuttered as he tried to speak, resulting in his head spinning rapidly. Yar stuck his tongue out in disgust

Paris: come on. Jonathan is friendly. He's just an artificially intelligent android

Yar: created by man! You keep that thing, one day we'll turn our backs. And before you know it, it'll be picking us out of its teeth!

Those who didn't know gasp in fear, making Yar fave the children

Yar: things like that, eat things like us, as snacks! They turn big cats into skin rugs, cut off your tusks and horns to use as jewelry or to make medicine. And they are even known to turn horses like ponies into GLUE!

The wild horses and ponies either scream and run or either faint

Zebras: panic and run! Panic and run!

Ceea: striped gallopers always do that

Chomp: but Jonathan is a nice mandroid. He wouldn't hurt no less a fly let alone you guys

Yar: we'll see. But I'm warning you, humans are DANGEROUS!

Spiny: most are, but there are a lot of nice ones

Tank: not helping spiny

Spiny: what? I'm just saying
In a field in Barcoltona, a herd of pigs were grazing on the grass. One of them felt something bump again its snot and started digging. It happened to uncover an opened capsule.

The cards were carried away by the wind and a dinosaur appeared. The dinosaur was a carnivore that looked a lot like Torch the Saurophaganax. Its back was a dark blue, with spines as well, while its lower body was grayer. It also had two purple horns on its head, again similar to Torch. This dinosaur was an Allosaurus.

 This dinosaur was an Allosaurus

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