Lights, Camera, Destruction!

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It was sunrise. The train continued its way to Applewood with everyone looking out the window to see its beautiful sight, herds of Alamosaurus and Argentinosaurus migrating across the great landscape

Hanazuki: man. This is quite a sight isn't it stitch?

Stitch: ih

Terk: so, what's Stallion Spielberg like? He sounds like a big deal

Danny: are you kidding? He's a great movie producer. He made great works like Indiana Roans, E.T the equine terrestrial, and let's not forget jaws. I heard he needs actors like us to play in his next film, Jurassic Horse! And he needs dinosaur characters in it too!

Chomp: is it just me, or are all those Films just films made by Steven Spielberg but with horse puns?

Sawyer: their paying homage to those films. Sure on the surface they seem like ripoffs but their paying tribute to those films because of their legacy and imprint on pop culture

Tantor: wow. Stallion Spielberg sounds like a nice guy

Danny: yeah! Plus you guys can be part of the film too! They need a trio of velociraptors, a T. rex and a triceratops

Terry: I'm in!

Victor: as am I

Veloci: sign me up!

Vincent: oh yeah!

Chomp; wait, you mean I get to play the sick triceratops? No thank you. Why not lola?

Lola: watch it buster

Sawyer: we can discuss the acting roles later. We're here!

They look to see Applewood on the horizon as they make their way to the train station
(Intro theme)
The train makes it to the station where the gang are greeted by a feel colored unicorn with a clapperboard cutie mark on his flank

They look to see Applewood on the horizon as they make their way to the train station______(Intro theme)______The train makes it to the station where the gang are greeted by a feel colored unicorn with a clapperboard cutie mark on his flank

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Sawyer: hi. You must be Stallion Spielberg

Spielberg: that is correct. I've heard good things about you

Danny: and we're big fans of your work

Spielberg: indeed you should be. I've heard about your history as famous stars in film, which is why I asked you to join in my project, Jurassic Horse. I ask you to play in the leading roles

Sawyer: we'd be more than honored

Hanazuki: do we get parts too?

Spielberg: of course. Come with me to the studio. We can discuss film roles there

The stallion leads the way to the studio where they see the workers preparing for future films. Stitch looks around and decides to pleasure himself to all the wonders of the studio
In one of the studios, there was a lightning scene as the actors fight each other as part of the films script. But what they didn't notice was the set had an egg capsule which was struck by the electricity and burst apart, making the actors flee

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