Surf's up!

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It was a nice and beautiful afternoon at Seaward Shoals. The local ponies were out in the town doing their daily business. Boat cruises, fishing, and one of their favorite activities, surfing!

In the midst of of a family fishing for rare and exotic fish to preserve the species of, a capsule is seen being kicked off a porch and opening in the water. The ponies toss their lines before they feel a large tug. They reel it in as hard as possible before the fishing pole snaps right down the middle. The water then explodes revealing a giant dinosaur tossing the fishing pole aside

The dinosaur was a spinosaur like Spiny, but she was much smaller and lacked the large sail/spine on her back. She was green all over, with darker green stripes on her back. She also had a very tiny crest in between her eyes. This dinosaur was a Suchomimus.

The moment she submerged, the Suchomimus sniffs the air looking for fish to eat before seeing another group of ponies with a net filled with blue fin tuna

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The moment she submerged, the Suchomimus sniffs the air looking for fish to eat before seeing another group of ponies with a net filled with blue fin tuna. The theropods mouth waters as it roars and goes for the fish, tearing the next apart and helping herself. The ponies scream in terror as they flee, the Suchomimus continuing her breakfast

Once she ate her fill, the Suchomimus did a backflip, or just dove back first, into the water. The ponies just looked over the edge in shock. What was that creature?
(Intro theme)
At the Harmony Estate, Sarah was in her pachycephalosaurus form teaching bachy how to head butt. And boy could she head butt. She readied herself, reeled her head inward with her tail being pushed backward, then she let it rip smashing through a whole rock

Sarah: that's the way sweetie. Keep that up you'll finish evil programmed robosaurs in a snap

The reformed robosaurs look at her with serious expressions. Th Dilophobot, whom was named loofa (seriously he was named that) shrugs

Loofa: man. She's really attached to that little purple bugger isn't she?

Pachy: watch your mouth shower scrub

Loofa: oh haha make fun of my name. Ya know it's hard to walk around without somebody mentioning my name

Cella: your just upset cause your necks still cramped from being reformed

Upon hearing that, bachy leaps right onto loofas back and gently beats her head done in between his shoulders and behind his neck

Loofa: oh that's nice little lady. A little to the-oh yeah...that's the spot

Orin: that little lady's pretty cute isn't she?

Pento: yeah. I admit, she's adorable

That's when the Cardosaurus detector activated indicating the location of Seaward Shoals

Pachy: a new Cardosaur's been activated!

Sawyer: that's our call. Let's get ready team

Sarah: you stay here with uncle Tembo. Your mommas off to Seaward Shoals

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