Ankylosaur power

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Within the caves of Ghastly Gorge, where the Quarry Eels reside, a small capsule lays still within a cave wall. Suddenly, the ground shook violently as a giant creature tunneled through the caverns chasing the capsule to just pop out of place. It then slams to the ground and opened up to reveal a pair of cards. After pounds of rocks and dirt cover it, a purple glow shines form it as it reveals an ankylosaur with a light brown body mixed with darker brown, and yellow/tan spikes. Most of them were small little bumps, but the ones in the front of the back and shoulders were very large and sharp. The club tail was a dark brown, with two unfinished circles of orange facing opposite directions from each other on each side. This dinosaur was a Euoplocephalus.

The moment it shook the rocks off, it looked around its surroundings and thought they looked familiar

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The moment it shook the rocks off, it looked around its surroundings and thought they looked familiar. She sniffed the air and looked into the tunnel and sees violent shaking and heads the opposite way, however the cave entrance was blocked up, so she looks to see several new caverns and decides to head down the one on the right
(Intro theme)
In Mechagodizlla's lab, some of the D-team were looking at the fully charged experiment 626 whom was laying upside down on the top of his glass tube confinement while Tank and Trooper were sparring in his training course, with terry and coal doing the same

Chomp: man. That's one creepy little guy

Spiny: I don't know. I really like his fluffy fur

626 crawls down the tube and gets down on all fours snarling

Ace: Man. He's more feisty than trooper after waking up from a nap

Trooper: I can hear you!

Trooper then takes tank off guard by using mole attack and shoves her right toward terry as they slam into a wall

Bulkhead: hehehe. I like your strength

Trooper: of course you do. The Ankylosaur family are one of the strongest families of dinosaurs. Just look at our armor and tails

He demonstrates by slamming his clubbed tail to the ground shaking the floor with each slam

Bulkhead: haha! I could use a Dino form like that. Could kick con butt with that kinda tail

Elita: until ya start going on a dino rampage like Optimus

Utah: Mecha and I thought you'd say that. That's why I took the time to make these

She then opens a drawer to reveal several metal disks with aqua blue shines inside

Utah: with energy directly from the Allspark, I give you, the energon patches. Once you put one on, you'll be able to have enough energon to control your primal forms

She then hands bulkhead his patch as he then looks to trooper who lays down

Trooper: go ahead and scan me. It better not be one of those scans that see through close

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