Dino Tales

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The morning sun shined all across Harmony Land, gracing the all the creatures that lived there with its morning beauty. A chorus of yawns filled the air as many of the inhabitants started to wake up to begin their day. Others tried to tune out the noise and continue to sleep for a little bit. But there was one who was able to sleep through almost anything; Trooper. And this proved to be something that a certain dinosaur wanted to test out.

Before the sun was even fully out, Rocko and Charles were dragging a raft with a sleeping Trooper on it up the cliff that the Pteranodons sleep on

Before the sun was even fully out, Rocko and Charles were dragging a raft with a sleeping Trooper on it up the cliff that the Pteranodons sleep on

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Charles: Are you sure that this is a good idea?

Rocko: No. This is so going to bite me in the tail later, brah.

Charles: Then why are you doing this? And why am I helping you with this?

Rocko: Because it's gonna be hilarious. Besides, I'm a more 'in the now' kind of guy. As for why you're helping me, you knew you'd submit to me sooner or later so you just saved yourself the trouble.

They continued on pushing and pulling the raft until they reached the pond that was at the top of the cliff.

Rocko: All right, now push him in gently.

Charles did as told and gently nudged the raft into the water.

Charles: Someone's going to die from this.

Rocko: I've jumped off this thing many times. He'll be fine.

Charles: That's not what I'm worried about.

They watched the raft drift closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. And what was at the edge? A waterfall.

Rocko and Charles: 3,2,1.

Trooper: 'Snore.' What's going on?

That was all Trooper could say as he started to wake up before going over the edge.

Trooper: Aaaah!

He screamed as he fell down the massive waterfall before landing in the water, with the raft landing on top of him.

Rocko was rolling on the ground in laughter from his successful prank. Even Charles couldn't help but chuckle at the grump's misfortune.

Charles: Okay, I admit, that was pretty funny. But he's still gonna kill you for this.

Rocko: Ha, ha, ha! That is if he survived!

Charles, however, didn't catch the joke.

Charles: What?! Are you saying we killed him?!

Rocko: Calm down, brah, he's fine. Look.

Down below, Trooper crawled out of the lake that the waterfall ran into and glared at the top of the cliff.

Trooper: You'd better sleep with both eyes open, you big-nosed fart!

With their work done, the duo started to descend down the cliff.

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