Faces from the past

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In the outskirts of space, the thousands of millions of stars shined their bright colors. Comets swooped through the endless dark void showing their spectacular colors, but then, one of them stood out

It was a large yellow object as it sweeper through the skies and right passed the asteroid belt. It swooped past several planets before it started heating toward its destination


All the nocturnal creatures look to see the object sweep through the sky before crashing in the distance______(Intro theme)______Cut to next morning as we see the D-Team, Elita, and whirl heading to the crash site, Terry ace and spiny sniffing the...

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All the nocturnal creatures look to see the object sweep through the sky before crashing in the distance
(Intro theme)
Cut to next morning as we see the D-Team, Elita, and whirl heading to the crash site, Terry ace and spiny sniffing the air for the source while whirl kept keeping their flank guarded with a hand blaster and her visors on

Tank: ugh. She so needs to learn to calm down

While: I'll have you know that anything could happen in this forest if we're not careful. A rockslide, a rhino, a rockslide OF rhinos!

Chomp: I'm pretty sure that last part isn't a real thing

Whirl: it could happen! You can never be too careful

Spiny: come on! This forest isn't anywhere near scary. It's just trees and rocks and- AHHH! Oh, that's my foot

Elita: quite the outdoors men Eh?

Chomp; it's been some time since we've been in the wilderness. Guess you could say we've gotten pretty used to being domesticated

Spiny: hey, isn't that a capsule over there?

They look to see an open card capsule with a water symbol on the card.

They look to see an open card capsule with a water symbol on the card

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Seeing it was his element, Spiny heads up to it. It was a yellow card with a Futabasaurus on it.

Spiny: hey! Futaba Super Canon! I was wondering where that went to!

Tank: oh great. Not that crazy head again

Whirl: you know him?

Tank: and I know, from experience, just how absolutely painful his water canon blast is

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