Whirl'd view

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We open Beside littlefoot and his friends, including jr's typica hangout area. They were all stacked on top of each other trying to reach three bunches of berries at the top of a high branch. It was the first day of winter and this was littlefoot's idea

Jr: are you sure we can do this littlefoot? I get it's the first day of winter but-

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Jr: are you sure we can do this littlefoot? I get it's the first day of winter but-

Littlefoot: it has to work jr! If we don't get these tree sweets today, they'll shrivel and spoil! Teach ducky!

Ducky: I am reaching!

Petrie: me help!

He pushes the berry bunches toward ducky as she reaches her hand as far as possible

Petrie; almost there!

Spike stretches his legs out to try and help the gang get higher elevation. And then ducky grabs the middle bunch with one hand and holds the left bunch

Ducky: I got it! I did! I did!

Littlefoot: hold on ducky! We got ya!

Littlefoot stretches his neck as far as possible and grabs him by the tail to try and pull her. But it was in little vein as ducky stretches out until being sling shot along with all three berry bunches into the raging waters

Chomper: ducky!

Jr: don't worry! We're coming!

They then follow the river with ducky on a large snapped off branch with the three berry bunches as they head towards a raging waterfall that reached to the big pond in the center of Harmony Land
(Intro theme)
The group continue to follow ducky as ducky tries balancing on the log. Two berry bunches in her hands with the third in her beak. Littlefoot and the gang stack atop one another reaching the middle of the falls so they could teach ducky. However when she leaps at jr's trunk, the group toppled over and fall into the raging waters and fall over the edge. However, ducky is grabbed by a large grappling hook and being flown right next to the pond. When she reaches solid ground she looks up to see whirl transform to her standard mode right next to her

Whirl: ya gotta be more careful ducky! You could've gotten hurt

Then at that moment the rest of the gang reveal themselves shivering from the freezing water

Whirl: as well as you guys. Do you know how dangerous that stunt is? You almost broke code 5740: never stand right above a roaring waterfall

Cera: oh sure. Now you tell us!

"Are you kids alright?"

They look to see Harmony Lands wise elder and friend of littlefoot and the gangs, Mr Thicknose headed up to them

They look to see Harmony Lands wise elder and friend of littlefoot and the gangs, Mr Thicknose headed up to them

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