The Guantlet of Fire

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It is night in the Everfree Forest. All the local animals were fast asleep. so no one was able to be there when a small leaf landed on a pile of logs used for a fire. The logs still had some heat in them, and once the leaf touched them, a fire started.

Thankfully for the animals, the wind shifted moving the fires away from their part of the forest and toward the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters. As trees became coated in flames, one fell over and a branch hit an egg capsule, opening it up and spilling out two cards.

The fire soon covered the two cards. Yet, instead of being destroyed, they glowed red and came to life. Out came a large, light green theropod with dark green spots that was even larger than Terry. Despite being a Fire Element, it actually had three claws instead of two, which was more common amongst theropods.

The carnivore roared and soon something formed in its mouth

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The carnivore roared and soon something formed in its mouth. It was a large fireball. The dinosaur fired the fireball like it was a cannon and sent it flying through the forest before it exploded and spread the fire even further. The large carnivore gave out a loud roar of victory.
(Intro theme)
We cut to Harmony Land and zoom into titan castle. We transition to Ghidorah Manda, the former covering Drago's eyes as they enter one particular room that they had built just for him

Ghidorah: okay, here we are son

He then removes his wing from Drago's eyes as he looks around to see his room filled with amazing items. Drago looks to see a massive nest that he immediately went right into

Drago: this is, amazing. What is this? It's like...

Manda: that's the very best I made for you when you were just an egg

He then looks to see a small picture right next to it. He then picks it up and examines it

 He then picks it up and examines it

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Drago: is that my egg?

Manda: mmhmm. It was just about time for you to hatch

Ichi: ya kept jiggling around like a bowl full of jelly

San: or popcorn!

Manda: we took that the day we lost you

The mood then shifted as Drago looks to them with widened eyes

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