The imposter

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We open on a dark park of the wastelands. We see a quartet of hooves with holes on them as we see a black shadow with translucent wings. It looked like an Alicorn, but much more menacing. It used its green magic to lift up a tree stump and carve the face of a Changewing on it, but it looked much more menacing. Then a pink swirl surrounded it as it completely disappears from its current surrounding

We cut to Ago's lair as we see frill neck and Spermy playing chess. Spermy placed a bishop on a black square where one of frill necks rooks was and knocks it off the board. Frill neck groans In frustration before they look to see a pink swirl appear right next to them. They look in surprise to see a shocking sight
(Intro theme)
Frill neck and Spermy couldn't believe the creature right across from them. It was unlike anything they've ever seen before, when right there, was the former queen of the changewings, Chrysalis

 It was unlike anything they've ever seen before, when right there, was the former queen of the changewings, Chrysalis

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Frill neck: well, who exactly is that girl?

Spermy: and why do her legs look like Swiss Cheese?

Chrysalis: Chrysalis, queen of the changelings! Or at least I will be, when I'm restored to my rightful place! Why did you summon me? What do you want?!

She pulses her horn with green energy making frill neck open his frill, his tail hissing like a snake, Spermy hiding behind him spouting himself

Spermy: w-w-we didn't summon you!

Frill neck: yeah, y-y-you must be referring to our boss. Ago. H-h-he's been waiting to see you

And on cue, ago swoops right next to chrysalis who looks up to the giant titan

Ago: ahhh, so you must be Chrysalis. Former Queen of the Changings

Chrysalis: yes. And I WILL be queen again once I defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends! [cackles] And they will pay for stealing my kingdom!

Ago: hahaha. Yes, I have heard about your embarrassing defeats by Princess Twilight Sparkle and her little huggy kissy gang

Frill neck and Spermy proceed to laugh hysterically

Frill neck: Huggy Kissy Gang! Hahahaha! That is hilarious!!!!

Spermy: oh! We SO gotta start using that some times! Hahahaha!!!

Ago: you'll have to forgive them. They're not exactly the smartest crayons in the box as you earthlings say

Chrysalis: I can see that. So why did you summon me?

Ago: because I need your help. As I understand it, Changelings have the chameleon abilities to shape-shift into any creature they set their eyes upon. And I mean, any creature

Chrysalis: and this involves me for vengeance on a common enemy?

Ago: bingo! You see, there are these crystals with unspeakable power, with them, I can be able to fulfill my destiny and rule the multiverse, and become the one true king of the titans as I was shunned from so long ago. But if you help will rule by my side. As my Queen

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