The Great Dragon migration

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It was a calm and quiet night in the Everfree Forest. All the nocturnal wildlife were up and about their nightly business. The owls hooted, foxes and wolves hunted, and troodons hunted smaller animals such as squirrels and muskrats and mongooses. One troodon of which had just catches an easy to find muskrat and takes it to his nest where his mate and they're newly hatched offspring. The troodon drops the catch and their young help themselves to their dinner

Then they hear a loud roar as they look up to see a black figure just zoom through the sky. Then more black figures follow after, they looked to be dragons as they had slender or round figures with pairs of wings on their backs or as their front arms. The troodon then calls out to the owls which soar towards harmony land to alert the news. They then watch the dragon flock as they sweep across the sky toward the mountains. They then realize where they were heading

The Dragon Lands
(Intro theme)
We cut to Harmony Land where everyone was preparing for the arrival of the Lord of the Dragons, and close friend to Princess Twilight Sparkle's assistant Spike, the dragon, not the Stegosaurus. Ty and his Dinotrux friends were in charge of building the welcoming circle in the town square

Spike: Is the banner even? Are the flowers in place? By which I mean "completely out of view". I'm pretty sure dragons don't like flowers. And what about the Ceremonial Dragon Fire Flame of Friendship? Is it still flaming?

Waldo: I think everything's fine. Wouldn't ya say so Garby?

Garby: ehh I wouldn't say "fine", I'd say that i don't like to mix sedimentary and Igneous. But I missed breakfast so, a Trux gotta do what a Trux gotta do. Hope I don't regret it later!

He then lets out some gas, right into Click-Clacks face

Click-Clack: ahh! It's in my mouth! (Coughs) ugh... (faints)

Garby: or sooner

Waldo: I mean about meeting the dragon lord

Garby: oh yeah that. Everything looks fine and dandy to me. Ya really gotta stop getting so worked up for no reason

Spike: I have lots of reasons. In fact, I wrote them down. Reason number one – I invited Dragon Lord Ember to Ponyville today. Reason two – the Dragon Lord is a dragon. Reason three – she's coming here for important business

Revvit: according to last nights Everfree night patrol, a new flock of dragons have just moved to the dragon lands,  and are foreign to our world, so therefore they are unknown of how things work here in equestria

Spike: Which brings me to to reason number four. The Dragon Lord wants my advice, and as the new official Equestrian friendship ambassador to the dragons, I can't let her down.

That's when he felt a Pat on the back. He turns around and is surprised to see his old friend Thorax, Leader of the Changewings

 He turns around and is surprised to see his old friend Thorax, Leader of the Changewings

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