The Iguanoid stampede

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Near Saddle Lake in the outskirts of Ponyville, a herd of goats was grazing on the grass in a small field. One of the goats was sniffing a capsule on a small crack in the mountain. The goat stood up and tried to get a better look, only to knock the capsule away with its nose. The capsule rolled down the hill before landing right in front of the goat, which responded by kicking the capsule away. The capsule opened in the air and two cards landed on the ground. The wind blew and the grass swayed against the cards, and they started to glow green. The goats backed away as a dinosaur appeared.

The dinosaur was a hadrosaur like Paris, but lacked the large crest on its head. It was pink on its legs and the top of its body, while the rest of its body was tan. Its bill was a blackish color that looked like it was burnt. It also had a small spine on its back that had tan and pink stripes running down it. This dinosaur was a Maiasaura.

The Maiasaura reared up and roared at the goats

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The Maiasaura reared up and roared at the goats. They all tensed up before the large hadrosaur turned around when hearing a small cooing sound. She then softens as it is revealed to be her youngling

Its color was similar to its mothers except it had purple where the pink was suppose to be

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Its color was similar to its mothers except it had purple where the pink was suppose to be. The baby Maiasaura gave off small babble which only made it even more adorable. The adult Maiasaura looks affectionately at the little infant and nuzzles happily
(Intro theme)
We cut to the outskirts of outside Harmony Land. The ago and his forces have launched a surprise ambush on the southeast wall, however the Harmony Guardians were there to fend them off, the battle ready dinosaurs firing all their weapons. And the Dino charge Megazord rhino striker formation helped out a lot on winning

Eventually the Iguanoids flee with what forces they had as they were then chased off by lightning fire lasers of Drago who roars at them to leave

Sawyer: and stay gone this time!

Danny: phew! That's the third time this week

Sarah: yeah. Don't these guys ever stop?

Drago: that is highly unlikely. It seems that they are becoming more persistent in trying to defeat us

Sawyer: well if I know one thing, it's that we've won for now. And that's worth something
We cut to Ago's lair as Ago's loaded the floor slamming his tail to the ground

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