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a royalty au in which
the queen of the eavelyra
kingdom dances with the
king of said kingdom. but
something seems to be off..
- baji x reader

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

A satisfied smile graced her glossy lips. Her hair was tied into a low bun with a plait running around the sides of her head and finally reconnecting with the bun.

The ballroom was empty. She was clad in a black sleeveless tulle ballgown with silver embellishments around the bust and upper stomach area.

There was no one to impress but the man standing in front of her with his right hand on her waist and left hand holding her own in the air.

The crown resting on her head sparkled along with the big chandelier dangling from the ceiling.

The music was slow. Slow and tranquil.

"Keisuke, I want you to know that I still love you, so much", she smiled at him. "Will you forgive me for my actions? I know I cannot undo them but..".

She paused. If she loved him so much, then why did she betray him?

She sighed and rested her head against his chest.

"I'm sorry".

She only longed for power....she never knew it could be this destructive.

"I'm so sorry".

From the moment she met him up to this day, her feelings for him remained unchanged.

She loved him, she loves him and will continue to love him. Always.

So then, why did she do it?

She excitedly lifted her head from his chest and walked over to the serving trolley she had asked a servant to bring in earlier.

"Look!", she exclaimed while holding the bottle of red wine in her hands. It looked quite expensive and coincidentally it was.

"Chateau Lafite", she said in her best french accent. "Your favourite".

Twisting the cap off the bottle, she poured two glasses of the pure red wine.

She took a glass in her hand and gave Baji the other.

Or at least tried to.

It only ended up falling onto the ground and breaking into smithereens.

She frowned.

"Why did you let it fall, Keisuke?", she asked as she squatted down to pick up the broken pieces, her glass of wine still in her dominant hand..

And that's when the realisation hit her.

"Oh...I forgot".

The realisation that she had killed her dear king.

"I forgot that I put an end to your life".

She chuckled to herself as she took a sip of her wine.

All for the crown. She killed him all for the crown. She so desperately wanted power, she craved it, she needed it.

But now that she had it, she felt a sense of guilt wash over her.

Looking up from the broken glass, she found that Baji had disappeared.

His ghost, that is.

Y/n took one final sip of her wine and poured the rest of it onto the shards of glass.

"It was my mistake", an irreversible one might I add.

She slowly moved around the glass pieces to spell her lover's name while she hummed quietly to the music that played.

'Baji' was what it spelt seeing as the pieces weren't enough to spell Keisuke.

Her eyes lacked any life and her hands went numb as a single tear fell from her left eye, remembering something Baji had told her a while ago.

'I won't let the crown come between our love for megalomaniacal behaviour only leads to destruction'.

She fell from her crouching position onto her knees as she placed her right hand on the glass and scrunched the pieces in her hand out of regret and frustration, forming fresh new cuts on her palm.

"I'm sorry, Keisuke", she lifelessly spoke in a voice just above a whisper.

Y/n so foolishly let the power of the crown get to her head and now she had to suffer with the consequences for the rest of her life.

"Come back. I want to spend just one more minute with you..".


A/N: make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out.

Word count: 700 words
Date: 17/12/21

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