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✎ in which Y/n
and Kakucho are
reunited again from
-Bonten! kakucho x reader

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"Kaku you're crying again?!", Y/n whined to the 6 year old boy in front of her who was desperately trying to put a stop to his tears by wiping them away with his sleeve.

"I'm not! Something's in my eye and I can't get it out", he retorted as the girl in front of him folded her arms against her chest.

"Tell the truth Kaku", she threatened which made Kakucho sigh in defeat.

"There was a cat right here in this box yesterday but now it's gone", he showed her the cat food he was gonna feed the cat with a sulk on his face.

Y/n sweat dropped.

"That's not cat food idiot it's dog food", she said pointing to the bag in his hand. "See? D-O-G", she indicated the letters on the bag.

"Still, I was gonna keep it as a pet", he kept his head down and sniffled.

Seeing Kakucho distraught made her sad too. She tried to think of something to make him happy. She beamed at the idea that popped into her head.

"I promise when I grow up and finally become a model, i'll get you a new fluffy cat!", she said with a look of determination.

She noticed the ravenette's mood slightly change into one more joyous.

"But you're moving away. You won't be able to", he responded.

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