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✎ in which Angry
tries to get the
attention of the
girl he admires
very much.
-Angry x reader

high school au

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

WONDERWALL - Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time; a person you are completely infatuated with.

He so completely and hopelessly in love with her.

She does everything so elegantly and precisely in his eyes and it brings him great satisfaction.

Every step she took as her uniform skirt swayed gently along with her h/c locs left him in a trance. Every word that left her lips made his heart skip a beat..or two.

He'd never craved attention from anyone as much as he did from her.

It was just love at first sight.

There was something he saw in her that he didn't see in anyone else, he loved how she made him feel every single time he saw her or even thought about her.

Problem is, he has never talked to her..

"You're so hopeless it's laughable", Smiley, the eldest out of the two said as he folded his arms over his chest.

"She's just so pretty", Angry said, completely dazed as he peeked around the corner to see Y/n conversing with Emma.

"Souya...you've been stalking her since our first year which may I add is pretty weird and on top of that all you ever whined about during the summer break was how you missed her when you've never once said a word to her!!", Smiley exclaimed at which Angry replied by turning his head to his brother with a frown.

"You really think it's weird?".

Ok maybe he was a tiny bit harsh by saying it was weird.

"It's not weird..maybe a bit unusual..just talk to her!", he voiced, scratching his head. He was conflicted at this point.

Angry turned his head back to Y/n and Emma as he noticed the way Y/n laughed at something Emma had said. Their conversation was incoherent from where he hid but her laugh wasn't.

Smiley noticed the shine in his brother's eyes making him groan and give him a little push.

"Just go!", he whisper shouted.

Making the blue haired boy stumble into the open, he stiffened in his position when his eyes came in contact with Y/n's.

He immediately turned his head away with a slight tint of pink gracing his cheeks.

Angry placed his hands behind his back and shuffled in his position as he huffed, thinking of how he should pursue things from here.

He turned his back to Y/n and crouched down before slapping his cheeks with a now determined look on his face. Y/n and Emma looked at him in confusion.

'You can do this Souya!', he thought to himself.

Standing up and turning back around, he took a step forward and called her name.

"Y/—", the poor boy didn't even get a chance to say anything before the school bell rang, meaning that break time was over.

Emma took Y/n's hand as they hurried back in. She didn't want them to be late for their next class. Y/n gave the blue haired boy a small smile-sort of as an apology for not being able to hear what he wanted to say.

Angry was pretty agitated that he didn't get a chance to say anything but even so, he put his hand up to his beating heart and smiled. At least she noticed him.

"Big bro...mission accomplished!", Angry said to his pink haired twin.

"Not even close", he facepalmed.

Y/n noticed as Emma stopped and let go of her hand to talk to Hina, a girl who Y/n wasn't too familiar with, so she used the opportunity to head back to Angry.

She was sure she'd make it back to class in time. The teacher she had next was on of the laid back ones anyway.

She turned back and saw the twins walking back in to head to class. She walked back to them.

When Angry saw her approaching him, his shoulders jerked up a bit and he turned to his twin.

"What do I do?! What do I say?!", he panicked.

Too late.

She had caught up with them.

"Is there something you wanted to say to me earlier?", Y/n asked as she cocked her head to the side.

Angry swallowed the lump that was unbeknownst to him, stuck in his throat and pointed to himself.

"I—", he felt his words caught in the back of his throat. Man did he feel so pathetic.

"You?...", she responded in a voice that suggested he continue his sentence. He then pointed at her.



"He has the hots for you", Smiley finally blurted, he was running out of patience at this point.

The boy's words make both Angry and Y/n's eyes widen. Internally, Angry was cursing his brother but externally he remained calm and collected..but his red face told Y/n otherwise.

"Really?", she asked now facing Angry who stiffly nodded his head.

She smiled and before Angry could react, he felt her lips connect with his cheek.

"I'm glad".

to be continued..

A/N: i was actually gonna make this oneshot into a whole different book but i got lazy cause im working on an armin and dazai one already

Make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 916 words
Date: 9/3/22

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