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✎ in which Y/n
and Angry take
a stroll at the
reasonable time
of 2am.
-Angry x reader

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Requested by onlyisahere

"Big bro's snoring too loud", Angry complained to Y/n on the phone as he then let out a small yawn.

"Again?", she sweat dropped.


Y/n let out a sigh and that was when an idea popped into her head. She sat up in her bed.

"Then do you wanna take a walk with me? I can't seem to sleep either", she suggested. She could practically feel Angry's enthusiasm leaking out of her phone. She giggled at this.

"Yes!", he responded excitedly.

He didn't mind that it was 2am in the morning and neither did Y/n.

And so with that, they both agreed to take a walk together. Y/n only slipped on her coat over her pyjamas and slipped on her shoes, hurrying out the door. She wasn't going out to do anything bad or illegal so she didn't mind too much if she was to get caught by her parents.

With the street lights guiding her along the footpath, she smiled to herself just at the thought of seeing Angry, even though they spent the whole day together earlier.

The blunette was the same. He was smiling goofily into the scarf that he wore around his neck as he hurried to the spot in which they agreed to meet at.

Time flew by quickly- or maybe it was the fact that it was only around a ten minute walk to their meet up place- but they both eventually made it. Y/n gave Angry a warm smile.

She then proceeded to cup his cheeks in her two hands which left Angry with a puzzled look.

"You look even more handsome in the moonlight, Souya", she said, complementing him. It took a few minutes until he fully comprehended what she said. He blinked at few times before his cheeks turned a heavy shade of red.

He opened his mouth to say something but Y/n beat him to it.

"You get so flustered over the littlest of things, it's so adorable", she took her hands away from his face with a light chuckle and began walking. "C'mon".

"Why do you always say these things Y/n", he grumbled while using a finger to scratch his cheek.

"It's fun to mess with you", the blunette frowned at this.

Y/n then moved closer to him and hugged his arm.

"I'm just kidding! It's sleep-deprived me talking, forgive me", she expressed.

He hummed in thought. Maybe he'll forgive her just this once since she came out with him.

"Fine, you're forgiven", he smiled that contagious smile of his which name Y/n smile too.

They finally got to the small hill where they usually sat at to just relax and chat endlessly. It also had a very nice view of the sky and lake.

Y/n sat down and patted the grass beside her before Angry sat down too.

"So then, tell me about your day", Y/n said which made Angry sweatdrop.

"But I spent the whole day with you", he responded.

"Ah, that's right! How could I forget?!", she didn't forget....she knew what she was doing.

Y/n brought Angry's head down to lay on her laps and she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Tell me about me then".

"H-huh?!", he replied at both her statement and her actions with a flustered face, but mostly her actions.

"Tell me everything you love about me, you know, my best qualities", she explained as she averted her eyes to the dark sky that was littered with glistening stars, her fingers still tousling his locs.

He looked up at her in awe. To him, she was gorgeous beyond comprehension. He still wondered how he managed to snag such a girl!

"I wouldn't know where to start", he admitted.

He really didn't know where to start. Plus Smiley always told him how sensitive girls were, what if what he wanted to say wasn't what she wanted to hear?!

He placed his index fingers at his temples and squeezed his eyes shut in thought. Y/n looked down at him in confusion with a face saying 'is it really that hard to think of one thing?'.

"I've got it!", he opened his eyes. Everything!".

"I'll take it!", she exclaimed as they both laughed with each other.

A silence fell upon them; a comfortable silence.

"Hey Y/n?"


"Close your eyes for a second", he said and she did as he said.

He then lifted his head from her laps and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

"I love you".


A/N: make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 812 words
Date: 22/1/22

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