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he's very cautious and overprotective of you.

wanna get up? he'll help you up no problem. cooking? he's got that covered, he's great at preparing dishes. cleaning up around the house? he likes to believe that he does a better job than a roomba.

he loves to cuddle up to your stomach and talk to the baby before proceeding to ask a bunch of questions.

"hey, do you think they'll look more like me or more like you?", nahoya asked while rubbing smooth circles around your protruding stomach.

"they'll have your gorgeous hair, that's for sure", you chuckled.

"yeah! and i'm gonna teach them how to fight just like me, too", smiley grinned from ear to ear- not like it was his default face or anything..

you gasped dramatically. "you will not be teaching my son or daughter how to fight! how old are you?!", you folded your arms with a huff.

guess he had to cross off teaching them how to fight from his long still of things he planned to do with his child.

"at least let me teach them self-defence and i'll buy you that (favorite flaour) ice-cream that you love so much every saturday for two months", it was an offer you just couldn't turn down.

your eyes lit up with joy. "Deal!".


you decided to take a walk because fresh air would be good for you and the baby.

you had to admit, doing things without shinichiro's help was quite a taxing matter.

you could get things done, just wayyy slower than if shinichiro was around, he'd often go to his bike shop and fix up some motorbikes that were brought into him.

and so the walk to his bike shop began!

in all honesty, the shop was about fifteen minutes away and didn't take that long to walk to.

but being a pregnant woman, a fifteen minute walk felt like an hour.

you noticed that your slow walking made you appreciate your surroundings more and how beautiful the greenery was. i mean, you were pretty sure the 'k' from the sign of the bakery around the corner wasn't missing the last time you passed it.

eventually, you had reached your destination: shinichiro's bike shop.

upon opening the door, you were met with the ravenette's back turned to you as he was fixing the engine of a motorbike. he was sat on a small stool with a wrench in his hand.

you closed the door behind you which made the man turn around to see who it was.

he plastered a smile on his face that was plainly filled with happiness

"Didn't expect to see you here", shinichiro stated. once you walked closer to him, he placed his hand on the side of your stomach and gave it a chaste kiss then looked up to meet your face. "It's a nice surprise".

you ran your hand through his hair. "Mhm. I was bored so I decided to come watch you work", you explained.

shinichiro stood up and placed a kiss on your lips, and for much longer than the one to your protruding belly.

you then sat down in the seat that was a few feet away from where he was working and positioned your clasped hands comfortably under your belly, smiling at shinichiro.

"Well? Do your thing and pretend i'm not even here", you grinned. your husband rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly with a sigh and sat back down on the stool.

if truth be told, watching him work wasn't as boring as it sounded. the way his face was all scrunched up in concentration as he tinkered with the parts of the motorbike was pretty entertaining to watch.

he side eyed you, mirroring the same lopsided grin you had.

"You're smiling so much, it's making me wanna kiss you", he teased.

you shrugged your shoulders. "no objections here".

he walked over to you but squatted down.

"..but i'll kiss my son instead", he smirked, kissing your stomach once again.

"And whose the one giving "your son" all the nutrients he needs?", you tilted your head and raised a brow.

shinichiro fake frowned. "you..i guess".

you chuckled.

it's safe to say he ended up giving you multiple kisses in the end.


you took it upon yourself to give the house a bit of a spring cleaning. you just hated things being out of place- courtesy of your dear husband.

he was so unorganised! all his papers were just sprawled across the living room table and you wanted to tidy them up but you didn't know which ones he actually needed and which ones could be thrown away.

you were really being ran rugged for being seven months pregnant..

you turned on the hoover ( vacuum for you Americans 🤓) and started hoovering the living room.

simultaneously, koko opened the front door and locked it behind him, putting down his bags and stretching his arms out after a long day.

he followed the sound of the hoover and found his beloved wife whom he loved sooo much.

the sound of the hoover drowned out koko's multiple attempts to get your attention so he tapped you on the shoulder which of course startled you. for all you knew he could've been a burglar!

"jeez don't creep up on me like that", you put your hand up to your chest.

"hehe, my bad", he chuckled. "and didn't i tell you to rest up before i left?", he pointed an accusing finger at you but you pointed at the table.

"this room was a mess! i couldn't just leave it like that", you tried reasoning with him.

koko was a simple guy.

he shoved the papers on the table into his bag.

"out of sight, out of mind", he looked very proud of himself for literally stuffing a bunch of papers into his bag.

"you amaze me everyday", you muttered before redirecting your gaze to the bags behind his feet.

you stared daggers at him, so much so that koko felt a bad shiver go down his spine.

"i'm gonna open those bags and i'm not gonna see even more baby stuff that we have no use for..right?".

tread carefully koko. women are scary..


A/N: make sure to vote have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 1069 words
Date: 6/5/22

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