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✎ in which Y/nnotices Sanzu'sodd and obsessivebehaviour towards her

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✎ in which Y/n
notices Sanzu's
odd and obsessive
behaviour towards
-Yandere! Bonten! Sanzu x reader

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Y/n always felt like she was being followed and watched all the time.

And she couldn't seem to shake that feeling no matter how hard she tried.

On a day just like this one, she'd head to the office and without fail, the pink haired male was always there before her, greeting her a kind good morning everyday.

"Morning Y/n", he greeted her as she made her way to her desk, which so happened to be located right next to Sanzu's one.

His face held a smile that could only be described as sultry as well as mysterious.

"Good morning", she replied.

She could never fully concentrate on her work with Sanzu right next to her, reason being it felt like he was always looking at her and he just gave her an eerie vibe.

"Would you like to get lunch with me later?", he asked as he rested his cheek against his hand.

He would always ask her every single day but she would always decline, for reasons that were as clear as day- she didn't trust him.

"I'm staying in for lunch today, sorry".

He frowned.

They both worked in silence for a while, only the clicking of keyboards could be heard and background chattering from the other workers.

He took in her appearance and focused expression from his peripheral vision, all the while scheming in his head.

"Y/n", he called out.

She hummed in response letting him know that he had her attention, albeit not looking at him directly.

"Are you scared of me?", he asked straightforwardly.

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