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inspired by the opening scene to the french movie 'The Intouchables"

inspired by the opening scene to the french movie 'The Intouchables"

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✎ in which Y/nand Draken putzero years of acting to good use

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✎ in which Y/n
and Draken put
zero years of
acting to good
-timeskip! Draken x reader

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"It's nice isn't it", Draken was referring to the new car they were currently in.

It was pitch black outside, only the headlights of surrounding cars were seen along with the orange tint of the street lights.

Draken figured it would be nice to go for a spin during the night, everything's just better when it's dark.

"Yeah, it is. The interior is quite comfy", Y/n expressed. She leaned her head against the window, inhaling that 'new fabric smell' that came from the seat covers.

The car was a black [car model] and had a [colour] interior which blended together quite smoothly.

a/n: I know absolutely nothing about car models or cars..

They came to a traffic light which made Draken quite impatient. He lowly grumbled and tapped his index finger on the steering wheel. All he wanted to do was drive freely tonight with no interferences. It was a new car after all and he had a lot of energy in him tonight.

"Take it easy babe", Y/n chuckled. "It's a traffic light, it'll turn green in a sec", she added.

He muffled incoherent curses before the light turned green. And as soon as it did, he increased his speed immediately, earning a few beeps from the cars he was effortlessly swerving past.

"Not even a warning?", you exclaimed looking over at him and desperately holding onto anything you could get a good grip on. He wore a lopsided grin on his face.

"Well I didn't think my girlfriend was such a coward..", he taunted while side-eyeing you quickly before redirecting his eyes back onto the road.

"Dont patronise me if you know what's good for you".

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