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✎ in which Y/n
doesn't need any
friends as long as
she has Ran.

-Ran x clingy! introverted! reader

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"Hey y'know you need other friends besides me, right?", Ran voiced to the girl standing beside him who held the sleeve of his shirt lightly. They both walked down the not too packed halls.

"Says who?".

"Says me".

Y/n shook her head. "Well you're my best friend and my boyfriend so I don't need anyone else", she proclaimed in a matter-of-factly tone. He was the only person she felt comfortable around.

Ran could do nothing but facepalm. "Let's see how you cope on the days i'll be absent", he muttered to no one in particular. An idea popped into Ran's head once he saw Sanzu coming from the opposite direction.

"This is your time to shine Y/n!", the dual haired boy exclaimed and she only raised a brow in confusion.

"What're you talking about—", Ran pushed her forward with a closed eye smile before she could even finish her sentence.

"Sanzu!", he called out which prompted the pinkette to stop in his tracks, hands stuffed in his pockets nonchalantly.


An uninvited shiver went down Y/n's body at the sound of Sanzu's voice and she positioned half her body behind Ran's.

"C'mon! Just say hi", he suggested.

"I can say hi from here", Y/n whispered as she fixated her gaze to the side, nothing in particular, just anything that'll help her avoid eye contact with Sanzu.

"Alright then do it".

"Hi", she said facing Ran.

Said man pinched his nose and sighed. "Not to me you airhead, to Sanzu", he pointed at the boy who stood in front of the two.

Needless to say that Sanzu was beyond confused at what was going on and why he was involved.

Y/n placed her head in his arm and spoke into his sleeve. "Hi. My name is Y/n and i'm seventeen years old. I...I like reading a lot and one fact about my boyfriend is that he still doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces properly", she uttered in a quiet and muffled voice.

Ran was seriously starting to think his girlfriend was a hopeless case. "First of all this isn't a job interview and second of all why are you bringing me into this?!", it was discrete, but there was a pink shade coating the apples of his cheeks in embarrassment.

Sanzu couldn't help but burst out into hysterical laughter while he hugged his stomach at the newfound information about his friend.

Y/n furrowed her brows and brought one side of her face out from Ran's sleeve to look at the boy dying of laughter.

"Is he....laughing at me?", she asked out of self-conscience. "Did I say something wrong?".

"If anything he's laughing at me and my inability to tie my laces properly", he groaned at the thought of how Sanzu's gonna tease him about it for the rest of his miserable life.

Y/n gently dragged him by the sleeve as they continued to walk on to wherever they were going before Sanzu showed up. "Let's just go to the library already. Your friend's a big bully".

"Big bully indeed".


The school library was one of the few places where Y/n felt at peace. There was rarely ever anyone in there around this time since there were no exams coming up anytime soon so it was nice and quiet.

"You really love this place huh", Ran watched with a smile as Y/n ran her index finger along the spines of the books, looking for the novel that was on her mind.

"Well yeah, it's the place I met you after all", she replied.

Except that faithful day, Ran wasn't there to read or anything, he was playing hide and seek with Rindou and thought it was a good place to hide.

"I remember that day...Rindou ended up winning", he pouted which earned a chuckle from Y/n.

She quickly found the book she was looking for and sat on the floor, her back resting again the book shelf.

Holding up the book to Ran, she asked "wanna read with me?".

He shook his head. "Read to me instead, I like the sound of your voice", the compliment made the girl's stomach do a 360 as she fiddled with the cover of the book.

Even though he showered her with compliments 24/7, they never ceased to make her fall in love all over again.

"Aw you're blushing like a rose", ran crouched down beside her and pinched her cheek teasingly.

"Quit picking on me", she couldn't hold back the smile that was creeping up to the sides of her lips.

Ran pretended to faint onto her laps with a hand on his forehead. "Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?!", he said dramatically.

They laughed amongst themselves and when the laughter died down, Y/n picked up the book and opened it up to the first page.

"Can I finally read to you now?".

"If you give me a kiss", he pointed to his lips.

And she did so.

"And here", he pointed to his cheek and she fulfilled his request yet again.

"Here also".

Not much reading would be happening by the way things were going.

Y/n didn't mind in the slightest, as long as she was with Ran she didn't mind what they did.

A/N: this was partly inspired by clannad, an anime I watched a long time ago that i'm currently rewatching and it's so damn good (but sad) ya'll need to go watch it right now

I've never met any clannad fans but tomoya and akio are just so hot😫

Anyway make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 993 words
Date: 3/7/22

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