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✎ in which Hanma pesters Y/n into tying his tie

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✎ in which Hanma
pesters Y/n into
tying his tie.
- hanma x reader

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Sleep was something Y/n enjoyed much more than anything in the entire world. It was serene, it was her only chance to shun any problems that lingered in her mind and dream endlessly.

"Y/n", Hanma called out.

Maybe I spoke too soon.

She turned in her sleep and hummed in response. Though, Hanma couldn't tell if it was a hum saying 'fuck off and let me sleep' or 'what do you want'. Either way, he'd better tread carefully, Y/n was a monster in the mornings.

"Do this for me", he said, holding up his tie.

Y/n only sinked her face more into the pillow. "I don't listen to people who have no manners", she responded, her voice being muffled from the pillow.

He groaned and slumped his shoulders. "Do this for me....please".

Hanma got no response from the h/c haired girl. It was as if she fell asleep again.

He sighed and fell beside Y/n and wrapped his arms lazily around her waist as he placed a soft kiss on her neck.

"C'mon it'll just take a minute", he ensured. He then proceeded to litter kisses down to your collarbone.

In response, Y/n pushed his face away from her with her hand and looked him dead in the eye.

"You won't die if you go tie-less".

"Alright, alright", he gave in- or at least acted like he did- and got up from their shared bed.

It was then that the most brilliant idea popped into his head. Man was he smart.

Knowing that Y/n hated the smell of smoke inside the house- only when he did it. It was ok if she did it- he brought a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it before placing it in between his lips.

He walked to the other side of the bed when Y/n was faced puffed out the smoke into the poor girl's face.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty", Hanma spoke sarcastically.

He watched as Y/n coughed lightly and fanned the smoke out of her face with an annoyed look plastered on her face. "You love to spite me don't you".

"Mm spite is a strong word, don't you think?", he chuckled lightly as stood back right from his leaning position when he noticed Y/n was getting up too.

She took the cig from his lips and placed it in between her own before holding her hand out for Hanma to put the tie in.

"I could've given you a cig if you asked y'know", I mean give the guy a break! He only had it for a minute.

"I wanted this one specifically and also you really need to learn how to tie a tie yourself", she added as she brought the tie around his neck.

"I do?", he rubbed the back of his head and raised a brow, putting on a coy act.

"Well yeah, you don't know how to tie one".

I don't?", why was he asking Y/n? He should know himself his capabilities.

She paused from tying his tie and narrowed her eyes at the man before her.

"Shuji...don't tell me that the countless times you've woken me up from my sleep was to help you do something you already knew how to do?!", she exclaimed.

Hanma put his hands up in defence, "But if I don't, I never get to talk to you before I leave", he explained.

Y/n gave him a closed eye smile. "Cute..", but when she opened her eyes, Hanma could've sworn his soul left his body for a split second, "But unforgivable", she added, purposely tightening the grip of the tie around Hanma's neck causing him to stiffen and cough from the tightness of the fabric.

Y/n sat back down onto the bed and brought the cigarette out of her mouth and in between her two fingers, letting out a puff of smoke.

"I still get a kiss though?", he asked, fixing the tie a bit.

She scoffed playfully. "Most definitely not".

"Fine. I suppose I should get going then", he said, grabbing everything he needed. "Can you pass me that behind you?", he asked.

Y/n turned around, scanning the bed for what he was pointing at. "Where—", when she turned around, his lips instantly collided with hers.

Her eyes widened in surprise but then closed as she melted into the kiss.

One thing about Hanma was that he always got his way.

Y/n felt as his hand slipped under her shirt at which she immediately grabbed his hand and separated their lips.

"You'll be late idiot", she scolded.

"After I come back then?", he asked.

"If i'm in the mood", she chuckled.

He always got his way.


A/N: make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night <3

Author out

Word count: 837 words
Date: 21/12/21

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