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Plus Chifuyu

Requested by YanaiChan

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Requested by YanaiChan

you barely get anytime with your child because smiley is always without fail with him/her.

this man is such a baby hogger! you can safely say that the only times you get to hold your baby is when you're changing his/her diaper or breastfeeding.

smiley be having a full blown conversation with the child as if him/her can actually comprehend everything he's saying.

but even so, to you, it was very entertaining to watch, especially the fact that smiley is always smiling which makes the baby smile back too. very wholesome to watch.

but you had to admit childbirth was a rough experience and you needed the rest so you were glad smiley had a lot of free time.

but once you gain all your strength back best believe you're taking that baby away from him and never letting go.

shinichiro tries not to smoke as much since the baby's around but you can imagine how hard it is to stop something you're so used to, but believe me he does try.

he'll have the baby against his chest with one hand securely around him/her while the other prepares breakfast.

you simply have to sit down at the table and watch him, perks of getting no sleep and being stressed off your head.

every once in a while he'd plaster an affectionate kiss on the child's head, and every time he does it, he feels a sense of euphoria wash over him.

once he's finished making the pancakes, he drizzles chocolate sauce over it.

"hey not too much, you know i don't like a lot of it", you whined.

shinichiro rolls his eyes playfully. "shush stop fussing, i know what i'm doing", he responds with a grin.

he brings the plate over to you revealing the small little heart he made with the chocolate sauce.

"if this doesn't make you fall in love with me all over again, i don't know what will", he joked with a chuckle.

after that, he even offered to feed the baby. you discovered that you could introduce bottle feeding when your baby was two to four weeks old so best believe that you were starting it at week two.

you were honestly blessed to have married a man like shinichiro.

you were well aware that obviously a bit of money had to to spent on your first child but not this much!

koko was buying way too much wayy too early.

for example the baby walker sitting idle in the corner or the living room...still in its box.

the baby wouldn't be able to use it until him/her were at least four months.

it was honestly ridiculous but you were gonna let it slide since it was you guys' first child, plus it was his way of showing that he cared.

something he was also constantly doing was waking up literally every five minutes just to check if the baby was ok.

you guys had a nursery set up for your son/daughter but koko was too paranoid to let him/her sleep there on his/her own, even with a monitor.

there was the fear of something bad happening...but c'mon it wasn't like the baby was in a whole different room. him/her were right there so if anything were to happen, one of them would surely hear it.

and besides, his constant movement wasn't only hindering him from sleeping but also disturbing your sleep too and you didn't know about him but you certainly needed the rest.

once again, he got up and walked over to the cot before placing a small kiss on his/her forehead and going back into bed.

you frowned at him and brought his head to your chest. "hey there's no need to worry, we're right here so try get some rest", you run your fingers through his hair and he gave a nod, letting you know he heard your words.

chifuyu is a very hardworking and busy man, but he always manages to make time for you and the baby.

as expected, he comes home completely exhausted, resulting in him collapsing onto the bed with a loud sigh.

you were on the other side of the bed and he turns his head to face you, laying on your side with the baby beside you close to your head as he/she let out small babbles and kicked his/her legs around.

"welcome home", you smiled at him and he returned the smile. "tough day?"

he closed his eyes as he thought of everything he did today. thinking about the work he left unfinished that he had to do tomorrow just made him even more stressed.

"you could say that..", he sat up and picked up the child carefully. "but i'm glad to be back home if it means i get to see you two.

his affectionate words made you giggle lightly.

he lifted the baby up into the air, bringing their noses together so they touched at the tip, foreheads connecting in the process.

"and i bet you missed me huh", he cooed, earning a giggle from the baby. he then laid back down and rested the baby on his chest, placing one hand on his/her back while the other looped around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.

"i love you two so much".


A/N: Check out my new WIP, 'Veni Vidi Vici'- Dazai x Oc <33

Make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 951 words
Date: 14/6/22

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