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he's so cute.

he'll never leave your side for a second unless it's to get you something.

he constantly asks you if you're ok and if you're feeling comfortable enough or if you're hungry.

you'd tell him that your fine and that he doesn't need to worry and he'd nod and sit quietly for a while.

but then after a few minutes, he wouldn't be able to hold himself from asking you if you needed anything.

"how're you feeling now?", he asks as he puts his hand up to your forehead.

"I'm fine takemichi, don't worry. it's just a small cold i told you already", you give him a reassuring smile but he frowns and shakes his head.

"no you're not fine! here i know what'll make you better", he scurries out of your room and you watch the open door for a while, waiting for him to come back again, in which he did.

"i come bearing gifts!", he made jazz hands whilst a tub of ice cream was in his right hand and two spoons in the other.


if you're just gonna laugh at me then get out", you stated with an unimpressed look plastered on your face.

your sheets were covering all of your body and half of your face, stopping under your nose as you clutched the fabric.

his laughing seemed to have calmed down a bit and he took a seat next to your bed.

"it's just that you act so tough all the time. seeing you in such a vulnerable state is quite amusing", he smirked, placing his elbow on his knee and his chin in his hand. he cocked his head to the side.

you gave him an tired look before groaning and pulling the sheets down to your hips.

"can you open the window? it's roasting in here".

he got up to open the window a bit and then he sat next to you, unbuttoning the first two buttons of your pyjama top in hopes that it'd cool you down.

"Better?", he asked.

you narrowed your eyes at him. "get off my bed and stop undressing me you creep", you said half jokingly? he wasn't sure if you were joking or not.

"a thank you would've—", you cut him off by pulling him down to yourself and placing a deep kiss on his lips.

"do it again", you grinned.


"just let me finish this first then i'll go rest", you just wanted to finish the write up that was due tomorrow. even though you were sniffling and your cheeks were as red as a tomato, you didn't want to see the other side of your boss if you failed to finish the report by tomorrow.

you were sat at the desk in front of your laptop and you felt a presence behind you- Shinichiro- as he approached you from behind and placed his hands on the desk at either side of you.

The black haired male let his cigarette rest in between his lips and let out an exasperated sigh.

"look y/n, you have plenty of time to do it before tomorrow, take a break for an hour", he responded.

"an hour is way too long", you took out a tissue from the box of tissues that Shinichiro had so graciously put on your desk for you.

you were too slow to react as the male snatched your laptop from the desk and placed it above his head. "you don't really have a choice now, do you?", he gave you a smug look and you narrowed your eyes at him.

"just let me do it for five more minutes then i'll rest", you were trying to reason with him. if he were in your shoes, you're sure he would've done the same thing too.

shinichiro put his hand on his chin in thought. "okay then. if you can make it to the bed without stumbling then i'll give it back to you with no time limit at all".

He was really starting to sound like someone's mother but that was besides the point right now. His request was child's play. what were you, a drunkard?

you got up with ease and turned around, the ravenette moving out of your way. You were about to rub that smug look away from his face, albeit feeling a bit dizzy after turning around so suddenly.

a few steps in and you froze.

Although the bed was not too far from the desk- the two objects being in the same room- you felt a wave of nausea come over you and the urge to grab onto something.

You doubled over and shinichiro let you lean on his shoulder. you held your head.

you hated that he was right in the sense that your body needed rest, but what could you do? sickness was an enemy of progress.

"see what i mean? Now give up and let me pamper you", he voiced, placing his hands on your shoulder and guiding you to bed.

"pamper me?", you muttered.

"mhm. now don't you worry, i'll take care of you".


A/N: make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 881 words
Date: 18/3/22

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