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✎ in which the
two are married
and both work in
the police department
and Y/n constantly
teases and messes with

-Naoto x reader

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"Any updates?".

"Nope, nothing at all".

Y/n came up behind Naoto who was sat down in his office swivel chair and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"We're getting nowhere with this investigation Naoto", she groaned. The said man looked to be deep in thought with his hand on his chin as he chewed on his lips.

"Oi, bite your lips again and i'll do it for you", the woman gripped his chin to face her and narrowed her eyes at him, sort of as a warning.

She noticed that he was making a bad habit of it and wanted him to stop it.

He furrowed his brows and averted his eyes away from the eye contact they were holding.

"So you think we should put a hold to this case?", he wanted to know what Y/n thought about the whole case and about the fact that they weren't getting anywhere or making any progress at all.

"Yeah, that's probably the best move for now", she nodded affirmatively and moved to straddle him. "After all, we have a lot more cases to be working on....unfortunately".

Naoto massaged his temples at the thought of how much more work they both had lined up for them. Y/n laughed.

"Just think of the money, that's what keeps me going", Naoto chuckled at this.

She smiled into his neck and placed a soft kiss on it before lifting her head up again but before she could, the ravenette held the back of her head and gently guided her back down to the crook of his neck.

Y/n smirked at this and continued as he implied she should.

Placing a series of slow kisses down his neck to his collarbone, she stopped there and began to abuse the spot, kissing it and sucking it, knowing full well that it was his weak spot.

He let out a small grunt and tilted his head to the side for her to get better access.

"Woah there, you forget where we are", she was acting as if she wasn't the root cause for his groan...

"You started it", Naoto playfully rolled his eyes as he felt Y/n bring her fingers up to his cheeks, pinching and pulling on them.

"I really do love messing with you", she cooed.

Y/n chuckled at the look he had plastered on his face, he looked absolutely sick of her teasing that it was amusing to her...until she jerked at the feeling of Naoto pinching her nipples through her blouse.

"Ow! I told you to stop doing that!", Y/n exclaimed while she hugged her breasts.

"I'm only paying you ba—", before he could even finish his sentence, they both heard the sound of the office door opening.

"Yeah right here", Naoto voiced.

"Ah, I see now", Y/n replied.

They both reacted so fast that it was obvious this wasn't the first time this happened.

The young woman turned her head to see who it was.

"Ah Takemitchi it's just you", she relaxed her shoulders that she didn't even know were tensed up and enveloped the young boy into a hug.

"You came in just after Naoto rudely assaulted me", fake crying to the blondie who sweat dropped.

" I didn't!".

Takemichi patted her back.

"...you two are literally married".


A/N: make sure to vote and requests are still open!

Have a wonderful day/ peaceful night, author out

Word count: 624 words
Date: 9/4/22

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