ꜱᴀɴᴏ ꜱɪʙʟɪɴɢꜱ

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✎ in which Y/n
Sano comes to her
older siblings for
comfort during a

-not an x reader so please do not sexualise anything in this oneshot <3

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Y/n- who was five years of age, and the youngest out of the Sano siblings shared a room with Emma who was eight years old.

But tonight, Y/n just couldn't sleep no matter how she tried. Even her stuffed bunny wasn't enough to comfort her from the loud thunder clapping and bright lightning strikes.

"Emma...", she called out as she brought the blanket over her mouth and just under her nose.

But unfortunately for her, Emma didn't hear her. She was fast asleep and was also a very heavy sleeper. It'd be a miracle if Emma heard her.

Y/n then covered her ears and hid under the covers. Maybe it'd block the sounds.

It didn't.

The sound of thunder made her jump slightly and this time around, it was noticeably louder than the last.

She felt tears threaten her eyes and so she grabbed her stuffed bunny and hopped out of her bed in hopes to find comfort elsewhere.

She was clad in a princess nightdress which she soon regretted once she lifted the covers off herself. Goosebumps immediately appeared on her arms. Maybe she should've worn her warmer pyjamas.

She then made her way to the room in which her two older brothers shared- Mikey, who was 8 and Izana who was 11.

Y/n made up her mind to get Mikey's attention first. Izana often got angry at her and hated being woken up from his sleep.

She opened their door and waddled over to Mikey.

"Mikey", she whispered but she only got a face full of snores from him.

"Dorayaki..", he muttered and then turned in his sleep, facing his back to Y/n.

"Stupid Mikey", she grumbled and folded her arms. She had no choice but to confront Izana.


"Go back to your room", he said with his eyes still closed.


"Talk to me in the morning".

She sniffled and hugged her stuffed bunny in her hands while she left their room.

"Stupid stupid Izana", she muttered to herself so he wouldn't hear her.

She only had one more option. Her eldest brother Shinichiro who was 20 years of age.

She ran towards his room as she heard another loud bang from the thunder and opened his door.

"Shinichiro..", Y/n called out which made said man hum and turn his head to face his youngest sister who was standing by the door with her brows arched in fear.

"Is it the thunder?", he asked. It was like he'd just read her mind. Shinichiro knew Y/n all too well.

She nodded firmly as the black haired male extended his arms out. Y/n happily ran into his arms and he hoisted her up onto his bed.

"Emma was sleeping, Mikey was dreaming about dorayaki and Izana shooed me away", she complained to him.

"Surely I have to be your favourite then", Shinichiro said, tucking her in as she giggled.

"Mhm you are", she beamed before she heard another sound of thunder which made her scoot closer to Shinichiro.

"Hey why don't I tell you a story to help you sleep?", he said in efforts to get the little girl's mind off the storm.

"Can you tell me about when you used to beat up people?!", she asked at which Shinichiro chuckled.

"Ok then. It all started when—", he was cut off when he heard a creak from the door.

Lo and behold, Emma, Mikey and Izana stood at the door.

"You guys too?", Shinichiro sweat dropped.

Emma and Mikey nodded shyly but Izana only averted his gaze elsewhere with a slight pink tint on his cheeks.

Y/n quickly hopped off Shinichiro's bed and encouraged Mikey and Emma to come in before slamming the door in Izana's face.

"You can come in in the morning", she huffed, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"Y/n!! If you don't open the door right now i'm gonna beat your ass!", he exclaimed.

"Shinichiro won't let you!", she opened the door a little bit and through the crack, spat her tongue out at Izana which caused Emma, Mikey and Shinichiro to laugh at her childish behaviour.


A/N: make sure to vote and have a great day today 🎅🎉🎉

Author out

Word count: 751 words
Date: 25/12/21

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