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Requested by: Ari_12u

—KAZUTORA (midari and himari)

"Dada can I play hide and seek with sissy now", Himari pleaded with her infamous puppy dog eyes.

"Me too!".

Kazutora pinched the bridge of his nose for the nth time. The twins ask if they can play with their younger sister every. Single. Day.

And Kazutora always has to reply with the same answer.

"You have to wait till she's all grown up just like you two", he responded with a smile.

"Aww", Midari pouted, cradling her baby sister's hand in her own.

The little one babbled happily to her twin sisters and wiggled her feet in excitement.

"Get big quick so we can play!", Himari smiled down at the bubbly child as she stared up at them with big curious eyes.

"Well you'll have to wait till you're three 'cause she'll start walking by then", that was next year and the twins absolutely did not have the patience for that.

Midari looked at her twin with determined eyes. "We turn three quick!", she exclaimed and her sister nodded along.

"That's not quite how it works...", Kazutora sweat dropped.

"Where are my sweet girls and loving husband?", you cooed.

"Mama!!", they both shouted unison, reaching their arms out to you from the bed as you then picked them up and kissed them both on the forehead.

"And us?", Kazutora pointed at his cheek then the baby's, you let out a chuckle at his actions.

"How could I forget you two", you smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek and lips then on the baby's forehead.

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