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✎ in which Sanzu
is under the impression
that he had won but
this doesn't seem to be
the case.

-Yandere! Bonten! Sanzu x reader

warning: non consensual activities

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"The look of fear on your face, I love it".

Sanzu chuckled under his breath before he leaned down to place a kiss on the woman's lips.

Maybe I should say tried to.

Y/n placed a hand over his mouth to stop him from progressing any further.

"I don't want to kiss you Sanzu", she whimpered in a voice just above a whisper.

She was afraid of what his reaction would be to her words but she obviously wasn't gonna sit around and watch Sanzu do things to her that she didn't agree with.

Y/n was able to feel the pinkette smirking into her palm as he brought out a gun from his pocket and used it to move her hand from his mouth slowly.

He then brought the gun to her forehead, using it to push away the strands of her h/c hair to the side with a sultry grin.

"Say that again for me? I don't think I heard you correctly..."

Her lips parted but no words came out. She didn't dare respond to his question.

With his knees at either side of her body and his vacant hand caressing her hair, he then again leaned down till their lips were barely touching and the strands of his silky hair tickled her face.

"Cat got your tongue?", he tilted his head coyly while his eyes searched her eyes then redirected down to her lips.

Y/n turned her head to the side but her efforts were of no avail, Sanzu only placed the gun at her chin and turned her head back to him.

He placed a forceful and needy kiss on her lips that left Y/n taken aback. Every time she shook her head in disagreement, he'd only deepen the kiss.

"Even better than I imagined", he muttered against her lips, a faint blush visible on his cheeks.

"What do you mean?", she asked with furrowed brows. Sanzu broke the kiss when he felt like he needed to breathe.

"Well you're in my dreams a lot".

As if things couldn't have gotten any weirder, was what Y/n was thinking in her head. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly brought about his obsessive behaviour towards her.

She just chose to pretend like he didn't just say he dreams of her.

She felt a weight come off her as Sanzu stood up and dragged her by the arm towards the counter.

"I really do love you Y/n", his voice was much calmer now. The woman still had her guard up, even when he proceeded to hoist her up onto the counter and hug her waist.

"I won't ever let anyone touch you or even look your way. If they do, i'll gladly beat them up till they're black and blue..", she really could sense the love in his words but the way he displayed his feeling were just way too extreme.

"Like this".

He aimed the gun at her thigh and pulled the trigger which earned a scream to leave Y/n's lips as she gripped her thigh in pain.

"Hey, it's just a rubber bullet my love", Sanzu cooed before caressing her cheeks. "I'm merely showing you what I mean by black and blue".

"Get off me asshole!", she responded by slapping his hands away from her.

Said man's hands froze when she had the audacity to smack his hands away. He was only trying to comfort and reassure her.

"Y/n, why're you so mad all of a sudden?—".

"Sanzu. Why are you doing this? Can you please just leave?", at this point she just wanted to forget tonight's events and sleep everything off.

"Baby, don't make me spell it out for you!", he whined and used the gun to make circle patterns around the fresh bruising on her thigh, earning a hiss of pain from the woman. "You're mine, got it?".

Y/n let out a scoff.

"Now take off your tights and lemme treat that bruise of yours", Sanzu demanded. Y/n did as she was told, owing to the fact that she also wanted to see how bad the bruise was.

It was pretty bad.

Truly black and blue as Sanzu had said earlier.

"Have any icepacks?", he caressed her left thigh and placed a kiss on the right one where the bruise was.

She shook her head but the blue eyed man still approached the freezer in search for something cold. He settled with a bag of frozen veg and placed it on her thigh.

"Thank you. Now leave please", she concluded.

Sanzu erupted in a laugh. "I dont think you understand. You're stuck. There's no way out of this".

"That should really be my line".

Sanzu stopped his laughing when he heard Y/n do that exact thing.

Her chuckle was quiet, more like a hum since her lips were pursed together into a smirk.

Sanzu looked at her weirdly. What was she laughing at?

It was in that moment that blue and red sirens were seen flashing in the dim room along with the sound of sirens.

The pinkette curse under his breath and banged his fist on the counter repeatedly in frustration.

"What the fuck did you do?!—", Y/n cut off his words by grabbing his chin in her hand and kissing his lips quite harshly.

Sanzu's eyes widened while Y/n kept hers open too to observe his shocked expression.

It was quite amusing how their roles switched so instantly.

She then cupped his left cheek and tucked a stray hair behind his right ear with her other hand.

She gave him a sinister grin.

"You're 'love' for me ends here, Haruchiyo Sanzu".

A/N: My my how the turned have tables🤭🤭

make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 1017 words
Date: 28/6/22

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