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✎ in which Angry and Y/n start dating

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✎ in which Angry
and Y/n start

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Requested by: YanaiChan

The two make a great couple.

Anyone who saw them thought so too, they did pretty much everything together.

The never did anything PDA related besides holding hands, it just wasn't their style, but both of them were okay with that.

"Hey, stay still!", Y/n scolded, standing in between Angry's legs. The boy was sat on the bed, both of them with face masks applied on their faces.

She had a scrunchie around her wrist and she brought up the hair from his face a bit from the sides and tied the strands together, creating a small cute puff on his head and the rest of his hair left untouched. (Like the icon above)

"Perfect! You look so good!", Y/n expressed and tackled him into a hug unexpectedly which caused the blue haired boy to let out a small 'oof' upon impact, falling back onto the bed.

"I hope you know how much you mean to me, angel", Y/n looked at him in the eyes and smiled down at him, straddling his hips.

He blushed a furious red and let out a few stutters, trying to form proper words. His eyes looked everywhere but her eyes.

The girl cupped his cheeks in her hands, forcing him to look at her. "Hey", she furrowed her brows.

They've been dating for two weeks now and even so, Angry still gets flustered at the way Y/n shows her affection- through physical contact.

"W-what's with the..nickname anyway", Y/n tilted her head at his words.

"What, you don't like it? You remind me of an angel, gentle, quiet and serene".

It's true. Angry was kind and a pacifist so much so that Smiley even stated that he was too nice to beat up anyone....contrary to the crying blue ogre side of him.

He shook his head gently with a small smile gracing his lips.

"If anything, you're the angelic one", he muttered.

Y/n hastily squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing a chaste kiss on his lips, one hand tousling his hair.

"That's so sweet of you to say", Y/n mentioned with a grin from ear to ear.

Angry rubbed the back on his head bashfully.

The blue haired boy loved Y/n to the moon and back. Her words always got him in a trance-like state and left him speechless. He loved the feeling.

He would often rant about the time they spend together to his older twin brother and didn't even realise he talked about her so much until the pinkette brought it up.

What can he say, he's hopelessly in love with her and visa versa.

Y/n got off of Angry and stood up, grabbing his hand.

"Right! Let's wash of these masks then we can do what you want this time", she offered since the whole face mask thing was her idea.

She led him to the bathroom and Angry looked at their joined hands before smiling sheepishly.



"I love you, so much".


A/N: Nice, short and fluffy

Make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night <3

Author out

Word count: 556 words
Date: 25/3/22

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