ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜ & ʀɪɴᴅᴏᴜ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ

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✎ in which Y/n
tends to the love
marks she left on

-timeskip! Rindou X Reader

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Usually Rindou was the one to wake up before Y/n but today was different. The reason? None. It just so happened to turn out that way.

Perhaps you could say it was because of the rising sun that was shining in Y/n's eyes that made her wake up. The slight gap in between the curtains gave way to the sun rays entering the room.

The woman sat up and stretched her arms up in the air before looking down at Rindou who had his hands under the pillow that his head rested on.

Y/n had to admit, the position he was in gave his back muscles that bit of an 'umph'.

Once her eyes adjusted to seeing light again after being closed for so long, she was able to see the clear scratches she had left on his back from last night.

She frowned.

She remembered how they got there but she didn't think they were that deep.

She inwardly sighed. It was totally his fault.

But in any case, Y/n traced over the most identifiable graze which made Rindou stir in his sleep a bit before he opened one eye groggily.

"You're always doing something or other aren't you", he uttered in his morning voice and gave a lazy grin.

Y/n chuckled and moved the hairs cascading down his forehead to the side before giving him a chaste kiss on his forehead.

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