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draken can easily get pissed off when he sees you talking to other guys, especially ones that he's never been aquatinted with.

he usually would just grab your arm and drag you away from whoever you're chatting to and would mutter a string of colourful words to himself which left you confused.

"did something happen?", you asked.

"stay away from him, he's bad news".

"draken...you say that about every guy I talk to...", you sweat dropped.

you weren't even talking to him in a flirtatious way, it was just a friend to friend conversation.

"i smell..." you sniffed the air. "jealousy".

draken stopped tugging your arm and looked at you with narrow eyes as you brought your hand up to your lips, hiding you smirk.

"huh? me? jealous?", draken huffed and laughed.

he began to walk on but not before stuffing his hands into his pockets. you followed closely behind him.

"i'm sorry kenny~ i'll give you all the love you want when we get back", you chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his torso from behind.

"you'd better...".


mikey noticed you'd been spending a lot of time with emma lately.

whenever he wanted to spend time with you it was always emma this or emma that and never mikey this or mikey that!

today in particular you were getting ready to go out with emma.

mikey watched from the bed, grumbling to himself as he glared at you while you brushed your hair.

a shiver went down your spine, feeling his gaze at your back. you looked at him through the mirror and gave a nervous laugh.

"look mikey, i promise i'll make it up to you when i get back", you said.

"do what you want", he pouted. "you see this?", he pointed at his face before folding his arms across his chest. "this is my 'i don't care' face".

"if that's how it is, then i'm off", you responded in a sing-song voice.

mikey watched with a frown as you approached the door.

his brow twitched and he finally let his stubbornness go.

"Wait..", he called out which made you turn your head to him. you noticed the light pink tint on his cheeks.

"stay just a bit longer? please?", his words made your mouth curve into a smile as you tackled him into a hug.

"i just can't say no to that face", you admitted as mikey gave a proud look.

"what can i say? i am the better sano after all!".


whenever you came over, mitsuya would barely be able to say a word to you before luna and mana would grab your hand and drag you away to play.

not that you were against it. you loved the two girls very much but mitsuya wasn't too happy about his two little attention seeking sisters.

"Y/n! Y/n!", mana jumped up and down excitedly. "can you do my hair for me?", she asked as she led you to their room, luna following closely behind.

"like hers!", she further explained, pointing to the character from the cartoon that was playing on the tv.

you internally groaned at the fact that there was no way you would be able to do that.

"alright", but you were gonna try anyway.

you sat down on the large beanbag they had in their room and patted your laps for mana to sit on in which she unhesitatingly did.

"me next!", luna added as she plopped down next to you on the beanie.

you nodded with a smile, taking down mana's hair from its space buns.

a few minutes passed and you actually did a better job than you thought.

you heard footsteps approaching the room and you turned your head to the door, seeing mitsuya with snacks in his hands.

he had a lazy smile plastered on his lips- as usual- and immediately, luna and mana ran towards him and snatched them off him.

"thanks big bro!", luna shouted making mitsuya wince at her loud voice.

"thank you!", mana followed suit of her older sister.

you chuckled at his foolproof plan of trading in the snacks for you. He sat down next to you and placed a chaste kiss on your forehead.

"mission accomplished", he hummed, bringing his arms around your waist.

and just as he had said that, luna and mana came running and jumped on top of you two, giggling.

"you sure?", you titled your head with a laugh.

he thought, maybe his plan wasn't so foolproof..

"Next time i'm coming over to yours", he murmured.


A/N: make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night

Author out

Word count: 792 words
Date: 13/2/22

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