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✎ in which Taiju
is always instigating
arguments between
them and Y/n reaches
her breaking point.

-Timeskip! Taiju x reader

tw: domestic violence

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"Slam the door one more time, I dare you", Y/n seethed with pure anger and frustration.

He was always like this. Uncooperative and hard to talk to and she'd had enough of it.

This wasn't how a husband and wife were supposed to act. Fighting everyday, lack of communication, all of it was physically and mentally draining.

It was always Taiju that started the quarrels and she had no choice but to retaliate. All she wanted was to talk things out peacefully but no, Taiju refused to listen to anything she had to say.

Was it too much to ask for? A wife to be able to feel loved by her husband? Y/n didn't think so. But what they had now, she couldn't call that love anymore. No one could.

Everything was going just well before they got married, so what happened? What mistake did she make?

She failed to realise that the mistake wasn't in her actions but in the person whom she chose to spend the rest of her life with.

"You're not fucking leaving Y/n", Taiju roared, slamming his fist against the wall. Hard.

She was surprised he didn't leave a hole in the wall from that.

"Are you serious right now Taiju? Do you even listen to me?!", she felt her voice crack not because she was on the verge of tears— she decided not to waste those on a man like him— but from shouting so loud. "I've said this already and you know how much I hate repeating myself", a burning feeling was what she was feeling in her chest which made her clutch her shirt.

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