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✎ in which Y/n
goes to get her
camera fixed but
gets in a bit of trouble
in the process

-Bonten! Rindou x Akashi! reader

tw: age gap (y/n is nineteen rin is thirty), harassment (kinda)

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All she wanted to do was get her camera fixed. So why her?

She stood outside the electronics store with her small camera held between her two hands as she stared at the black screen, only to be met with her reflection and the anxious look upon her face.

She would've preferred to get the camera fixed in another place other than the store she originally bought it in, but everywhere she took it to they said they couldn't fix it which leads us up to now.

The store owner was a literal creep. That was the only way Y/n could describe him.

She only wished she had someone to accompany her into the store but everyone seemed to be so busy these days and she didn't wanna be a burden.

Y/n squeezed her eyes shut and took in a few deep breaths before finally deciding to go in. It was better to just do it and get it over with quickly.

The store was completely empty except for the man at the till. She figured this would be the case considering that the shop was about to close, but the mall itself was pretty packed even though it was only 5:42pm (the electronic store closed at six).

Once the man noticed her walk in, he smiled and welcomed her, but his smile was far from welcoming.

"My..", her words were caught up in her throat. "My camera stopped working and I was wondering if you'd be able to fix it", the words came out of her mouth all at once as if they were collectively one word.

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