8 | This was a betrayal

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Staring up at the light fixture in my office, my mind starts to drift to her. Everything about her is drawing me in. Her attitude being exceptionally high on the list, and her smile... Even Shakespere wouldn't know how to describe it.

She especially knocked the air out of my lungs when she said she's more of a brunch girl, not dinner. The few women I have taken out always want wine, dinner, and account numbers straight off the bat, but then again, Esme isn't like every other woman.

I feel a tap on my arm, and I refocus on the situation at hand. My meeting with the Italian Mafia Capo, one of my closest friends, Stefano Rucci.

His base of operations are in Sicily, but he's here to help me with Maxim. I didn't even need to ask since Maxim has been sending people to raid Stefano's home and warehouses in attempt to kidnap his wife and daughter.

Stefano brought two of trusted men with him over, Damonhis childhood best friend and Lucas, his cousin. I trust them as well, given that we have all known each other for over seven years.

"He actually had the balls to say that?" Stefano asks Milo, seeming very surprised with the information he's just been told. Milo nods his response and Stefano starts to laugh in disbelief.

Maxim truly doesn't know what he's got himself into.

After many hours of planning, we have a solid plan to take care of Maxim. Stefano had to hurry home to his pregnant wife Aubrie, something about sleeping on the couch. He was the first out of the five of us to settle down, and then Milo. After today, I may be next.

Looking down at my phone, the screen lights up and I see it's 3:40.

I cannot be late to this, I'll forever be out of the running if I am.

Running out of my office, I pass Sean's office, and see him in his chair typing up a storm.

Why is he not in school?

Leaning on the door frame, I wait until he notices me to start talking. After a few seconds, Sean looks up from his computer, and over to where I'm standing.

"Why are you not in school?" He leans back in his chair, exhales, and closes his eyes.

"Because I'm a senior." He fires back matter of factly, and I nod my head.

"I don't mean to be on your case, but you better not be skipping. And lose the attitude." I tell him, and head out to my car.

Despite the line of work I'm in, I value education. I don't want him to feel the only career path he can take is the Mafia. My parents never made me feel that way despite me being the eldest, and I want to give him the same opportunity.


Stopping in front of the building, Genesis told me where Esme's last class was being held, I turn off my car, and step out. Crossing on foot over the other, I take out my phone and give the Senator a call back.

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