26 | Travel the world

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I groan loudly, and knock again on the ensuite door. "Delilah, please come on. We don't want to be late." I raise my fist to knock again, but the door is whipped open before I can.

Delilah's freshly done makeup doesn't cover the sad look in her eyes, and my brows furrow in confusion on instinct.

She walks past me to the bed where the remainder of her makeup is, and shoves it into her makeup bag.

Looking over her from head to toe, nothing indicates why she is feeling this way on the outside, so it must be something on the inside bothering her.

"I don't like how this dress is hugging me." Delilah mutters as she zips up the bag, and tosses it into her suitcase.

After zipping the medium-sized suitcase closed, she stands back up to her full height, and rests a hand on her noticeable bump. Delilah is well into her second trimester, and it looks good on her. Or so I thought.

The turquoise dress she's wearing today stops above the knees, sinches at the waist, and shows her pregnant body perfectly if I do say so myself. A small smile graces my face when I think about little Yris.

"Babe, you look stunning. And don't forget you're carrying my little niece. Of course she's stealing your beauty."

I roll her suitcase to the door, while she gapes at me in shock.


I lift Sia out of the car, and once her feet touch the ground, she starts jumping up and down yelling, "We're going on the boat! We're going on the boat!"

Having Alessia around everyday, has made this living situation a little easier to bear. Her infectious smile and personality can be the light on any dark day, and I hope for my future child to be as kind and happy as Alessia.

I drag my suitcase behind me, then pick it up as I walk down the steps onto the large wooden dock that leads to the awaiting speed boats. Despite this only being a three day trip, judging from my large suitcase, one might think I'm leaving for a month.

We approach the matching speed boats, and I raise a suspicious brow. The four of us can fit on one, so why are there two?

"Ciao Nadia, Michelle. Ho chiesto solo una barca per portarci fuori." Aubrie knowing and speaking Italian fluently shouldn't come as a surprise to me, but it does.

(Translation: Hello Nadia, Michelle. I only requested one boat to take us out.)

The two ladies give one another wary looks before looking back at Brie. I study the girl with blonde hair, and familiar features, trying to place where I have seen her before. I don't bother asking her if we've crossed paths, too scared to be wrong and make things awkward.

"Mi dispiace signora. Deve essere stata una confusione." The girl with glowing brown skin, black hair that blows ferociously in the wind, and brown eyes says.

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