38 | Ten minutes apart

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"Silas, you're not gonna believe this. Guess what?" Theya asks excitedly, and I can imagine the exact face he's making right now.

I listen intently for his response, but with all the beeping of the 404, I'm left with nothing.

"Never mind, you're not that good at guessing." She responds, and I snort. "We are headed to the hospital because both Gen and Dee are going into labor- well technically Delilah has been in labor all day- uh huh." She agrees to something he says, and then places my phone back on the center console.

The car goes quiet, but out of nowhere Genesis reaches up from the back seat, and beeps the horn.

"Genesis!" The three of us exclaim, and she rolls her eyes. "Esme, we need to be out of this traffic like yesterday." Sighing, I try to go around the people in front, but it's too tight, and I do not want to mess up Delilah's new car.

    Looking back at my sister, I watch her face scrunch up in hurt, and the want to be able to take away her pain is strong.

"How far apart are your contract-" I ask her, but stop when I notice her stomach clenching in a scary way. "Gen, why is your stomach doing that?' Despite feeling like I know the answer, I asked anyway, and if it turns out I'm right, we're gonna need to call 911 for an airlift.

    "Because... He's coming." Delilah whips around in her seat to face Genesis in a matter of milliseconds.

    "Like right now right now?" She asks, and Gen screams, "Yes, Delilah! Right now!"

    Why is it always me getting stuck in the craziest situations?


I tie the last strings on Delilah's gown, and she exhales shakily.

"I'm scared." I expected this admission, but the next words out of her mouth nearly knocked me off my feet. "I need my mom by my side for this."

Turning around to me, Delilah sees the look on my face and nods sadly as if she knows my exact train of thought.

"When I saw her today, I felt like a child when they see their mom in the crowd during a school performance. And I know deep down, I want her here to help me through this, and experience it with me." I get what she means, and a part of me is jealous. Jealous that she has enough trust in her mother to not only answer her call, but to also come running when she needs her help.

"I will call her for you." The nurse knocks on the door, and Delilah takes a deep breath before exiting the bathroom.

After calling Monet, I shoot out of the room, and down the hallway to Genesis's room. Her screaming can be heard all the way out here in the hallway, and I cringe.

Walking in her room, two nurses exit as I enter, Milo runs a hand through Gen's hair, but she pushes his hand away, and curls up in pain.

The woman in dark blue scrubs at the end of the bed gestures for two other women in light blue scrubs to hold Genesis still. Once they've turned her back onto her back, the doctor focuses her attention back in that area of my sister.

"Where's my sister?" Gen asks no one in particular, and I quickly go over to her.

"I'm here." A few beads of sweat stick onto her forehead, and she gives me a lopsided smile. Switching my gaze over to Milo, he smiles excitedly, and I shake my head at him.

It makes me happy to know he's happy. Gen on the other hand...

"One more push." The doctor instructs, and the next scream that leaves Genesis has possibly made me deaf. Surprise hits me when I reach up to my ear, and my hand is clean of blood.

Another loud wail fills the room, but this time it isn't from Genesis.

"Genesis, he's here." Milo says, blinking back his tears, and Genesis throws her head back onto the pillow in relief.


A few minutes after Legend arrived, Theya called me, and said Yris's arrival was close. But no one could have guessed just how close those two births were. Ten minutes to be exact.

Monet cheered excitedly when Yris cried for the first time, and I couldn't help but join in with her. When I leave the room to go find Silas, I find him tapping his foot impatiently in the waiting room.

I whisper his name, and he shoots out of his chair. "Are they alright?" Is the first thing he says, and my heart skips a beat when I hear the worry in his voice for my best friend and sister.

    "They're great." I answers, and he visibly relaxes. "Legend is six pounds, nine ounces, and seventeen inches long." I continue, and a big smile takes over his face.

    "And Yris?" My cheeks begin to hurt from how hard I am smiling, but I manage to finish.

    "She is eight pounds, twelve ounces, and nineteen inches long." I recall, and clap happily. "Babe, we're officially aunties and uncles. I came to get you since they're now in their recovery rooms."

    Taking his hand in mine, I lead him down the long hallways leading to their new rooms- right across from one another, and we go enter the one with everyone in it.

"They're beautiful." I comment, and everyone voices their agreement.

Standing over Yris, I look over her features, and she looks nothing like Cameron. She has the rosiest- already chubby cheeks- and the cutest little button nose. Moving over to Legend's bassinet, I feel as if I'm looking at baby Milo. It's as if Genesis didn't carry him for nine months.

Someone loudly sighs, and when I look up, Genesis rolls her eyes at me. "Not you too. He looks like me." I nod like her words were convincing, but I'm afraid my face is giving away the opposite.

Heredity is a weird thing indeed.


Pushing into the room, I hold the coffees steady so they don't fall, and tighten my grip on the bag of pastries. Monet notices me first, and rushes over to help me.

    "Thank you." I tell her, and she sends me a smile. Delilah rocks Yris while looking out of the window, then kisses her tenderly. If my heart squeezes one more time, I'm probably going to die.

    Dee turns around to me smiling, and uses Yris's tiny hand to wave at me. "Aubrie is coming later, and said she's bringing lunch." She says, and if it's possible, my excitement reaches a whole new level. I can already taste her home cooked food.

    Theya passes me back the bag and the coffee holder- both lighter than they were before- and I head back over to the door. "I'm going to deliver these to the others. Be back soon."

    Walking into Gen's room, she gently rocks Legend in her arms, Milo is still asleep on the pull out couch, and Silas is reading the newspaper on the windowsill.

    In an instant, Genesis is beside me, rummaging through the bag, and takes out one of the chocolate croissants. Silas takes a cup of coffee out of the holder, and then kisses me on the cheek.

    "You were up and out before I woke up. That is very out of character for you." I shrug in response, and he watches me curiously.

    "I just wanted to get a head start on my day." I lie casually, and he returns to his newspaper, seeming to have believed me.

    The real reason I woke up was because his phone was ringing, and when I saw "Donna @ Winston" calling, I was too curious to let it go to voicemail. Turns out Silas purchased a ring right after we returned from Italy, and it is ready for pickup.

    There was no way in hell I was calm enough to stay in bed after that.

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