4 | Trouble

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Genesis and I stayed up chatting and watching tv until three AM. It seemed fun at the time, but now I'm regretting it. I knew good and well I had to get to school the next day by 9 am.

Every time my alarm went off, I had to fight the urge to throw my phone across the room instead of just pressing snooze.

Running a hand through my hair, I look around at my room and shrug. I am currently having a "I have nothing to wear" moment, so you can imagine the state of my room. I go back in my closet and decide on pink floral jeans and a sheer white top.

Quickly, I tidy my room, then get dressed. Once I'm finished, I sit at my vanity to do my hair and makeup.

Finally, 20 minutes later, I'm done. I styled my hair semi nicely, I'm in a rush. For my makeup I just put concealer to cover my dark circles, mascara, lastly lip liner and gloss.

Walking into the kitchen, I see Gen cooking and I get excited by what I smell. One thing about Genesis is she can cook. "What are you making? It smells good." I sit down on the stool ready for whatever she makes.

"Eggs and pancakes.Could you get the juice out of the fridge?"

I take the juice out, slide it across the counter to Gen, and sit back down right as she places a plate in front of me. "Here you go. Enjoy sweetie."

Although she's only two and a half years older than me, she likes to think she's my mom. "Thank you." She pulls up a seat next to me, but before she can ask the question she always asks, the doorbell rings. "I got it."

I open the door without looking at the camera, already knowing who it is."Theya, what a pleasant surprise." "Hey, Mae." She replies in her soft, low tone, and walks past me into the house.

I look back outside and see Delilah getting out of her car. She looks so pretty. I don't know if it's because the sun is shining on her, but she is glowing.

"I saw Gen's car in the driveway, is she back?" Delilah inquires and I smile knowingly.
Despite the three of us being younger than Genesis, we get along so well you'd think we're the same age. "Yeah, she came back last night. Do you have your schedule? I can't find mine?" I ask as we walk into the kitchen.

"Mhm, they sent it to our emails last night." Of course they would send it over email. "She's back!" Gen yells as she comes out of the pantry, and Theya is the first one to give her a hug.

"I missed you so much, your job hogs you for so long." Theya admits solemnly, and I can't help but voice my agreement. All of our parents don't care about us, so we only have each other.

"Girl, calm down, you were fine. So all three of you start today?" She asks, and the "mom" is back. "No, I started last week. And I'm so happy this is my last year, I'm tired of this shit."

Theya is very anti- social. She doesn't have any friends at school, so sometimes it's hard for her to get through it. But despite her genius, she says she's not going to college next year because she wants to travel. I love her so much more for stepping out of her comfort zone and something that will make her happy.

I look at my phone and see it's ten past eight. "We gotta go! Gen, I love you." I yell as we run out the door.

For school I drive my Benz just because my Hellcat attracts too much unwanted attention. Specifically, the frat boys. The three of us pile into my car because Theya's school is only ten minutes from ours.

During the drive we were quiet, the only sound being Mariah The Scientist's new album, and Delilah eating her bowl of cereal as if her life depended on it..

Pulling up to Theya's school, I see a whole herd of students standing around the parking lot. Delilah and I smile at one another and turn around to Theya. "Have a great day and get out." We start off enthusiastically, but finish in a dead tone. This is just how we are, this is our humor.

"Don't get into any trouble." She demands pretending to be stern, but the small smile on her face says otherwise.

Before I can reply, Delilah beats me to it, "You know we will." Not true. Not at all.

You see, most trouble makers are loud, but we're quiet. Or as our highschool dean would say, "silent, but deadly".

Pulling out of the parking lot, I continue the drive to ours, UCLA. It wasn't our dream school but we wanted to stay together and close to home.

Delilah and I get out and walk to our building. Since we're both studying to be Biochemists, we have the same classes.

We find our first class, and go straight to the first two empty seats.

Every time I think of dropping out, which is often, I always have to remind myself this is what I love.

Swinging my head to Delilah, I open my mouth, but she beats me to it. "That was so tiring. I wanted to fall asleep so bad." Another reason why she's my best friend is that she always says what I'm thinking.

After two very long lectures, we have a free period, a. We head to the food court, but I know I'm not getting anything besides fruit and water. The food here is good but not Gens cooking.

As we eat, Delilah's phone starts to ring. "Hello... Seriously… Yes I will… No thank you...I'll be there in 10." She hangs up the phone and looks at me annoyed.

"We have to go get Theya, she got into a fight." Well there goes my classes- wait, "Theya's in trouble? And she tells us to stay outta trouble."

When we arrive, we head straight to the principal's office. Delilah and I used to go here, so we know the layout very well. As we walk down the halls, so much nostalgia hits me.

Walking into the office sitting area, I see Theya sitting in a chair with her hair up in a messy bun, her shirt torn, and scratches all over her.

I walk over to Theya while Delilah, who looks like she is about to blow a fuse, goes into the office.

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask, and she nods sadly.

"It was during lunch, I was eating by myself and then out of nowhere my chair was ripped from under me. Jasmine and her two friends were standing there laughing at me. WhenI got up, there were already people standing around watching. I asked her what's her problem, and she said that I'm messing with her boyfriend. I swear I don't know what she's talking about. Next thing I know, I'm getting jumped."

"Well, do you know who she might be referring to?" Whoever this 'boyfriend' is also needs to be brought into this situation since it seems to be about him.

"Yeah his name is Sean, but he's nice. We have a couple of classes together, and talk sometimes, but it's not like that." And with that information, I get up and walk into the office.
When I open the door, I see a couple people sitting in chairs, including Delilah. I'm guessing that is Jasmine, and her parents.

The principal is talking, but I cut her off mid sentence, "I have a question, can we call the boy and his parents?" I ask, and while everyone looks confused, Jasmine looks worried.

"I'm sorry who are you and what boy are you talking about?" The principal asks, "Emse, and I'm talking about the boy who I'm guessing is her 'boyfriend'."

Judging by her parents' reactions, I don't think Jasmine is supposed to have one. "What boy is she talking about Jasmine?" Her dad questions. His tone is intimidating enough to make someone feel small, literally. Jasmine slouches in her seat and mutters his name under her breath.

Her mother is so upset, if this was a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of her ears., "I can't hear you Jasmine. Talk. Louder."

"His name is Sean Daniels." She admits, and I smile.

As I sit down in the chair next to Delilah, the principal starts to dial a number on the phone.

"No way in hell was I going to allow Theya to get in trouble." I whisper to Delilah, and she grins like a Cheshire cat.

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