6 | More like who

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As we file out of the office, I notice Theya and Sean are sat in the same seats as when I arrived. He wipes the blood from a cut that runs along the side of her face with a cotton round so gently, I'm shocked.

Never in a million years would I have thought I would see this. Maybe I have done something right.

"So, you're the one reason this all happened to my sister?" Delilah questions him rather aggressively, and he looks over to me asking for help, but I'm not helping him with this one, so I stuff my hands in my pockets, and shrug.

"I never meant for this to happen. I really don't know why she started a fight on my behalf." He reasons, and Delilah shakes her head looking elsewhere.

"I'm fine now. Esme, can you please calm her down?" Theya asks, and I turn to Esme, waiting for her answer.

"I'm not going to tell her she needs to calm down. This is serious, look at your face. You've got a black eye, scratches, and you're probably hurt in other places." Esme points out, and I agree, in my head of course.

Theya sighs, " I have a couple bruises but I'm"- before she can finish, Delilah cuts in.

"Don't say you're fine! We're taking you to the hospital, grab your bag and let's go."

Sean passes her the backpack off the seat next to him, and she follows her sister out. But before Esme is completely out the door, she looks back at me.

Her brown eyes hold nothing but pure mischief, and her smirk holds all the secrets I want the answers to.

When the three of them leave, I look back at Sean and sigh, "They really made me come here for this.?" I say out loud, not believing this is where I am wasting my time.

"Just keep whoever you're with or not with, in check." I tell him, and he nods reluctantly.


Sean is quiet during the walk to the parking lot, but then he runs a hand down his face and sighs.

"I hung out with Jasmine one time, once. And Theya is someone I'm cool with, but it can't be more. She doesn't look at me like that." He admits, more like stresses.

To help the poor boy out of his misery, I suggest the one thing I know to take his mind off what just happened.



"Just so I understand, you were jumped over a boy that wasn't even with the girl?" I conclude in a questioning tone, and the only response I get are Theya's sobs.

Pulling into the ER parking lot, the three of us get out of my car, and head into the hospital. I see Theya limping out of the corner of my eye, so I put her arm around my shoulder, and hold her up.

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