Letting her know

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Kayla pov- we where sitting in the back together he had me on his lap when he told me that I was his , to say I am confused is putting it lightly.
I am freaking out especially with the position we are in, I have never really had a boyfriend that is all thanks to my uncle Donny, you see I lived with him, well I got sent to him when my 4 older brothers were killed when a drunk truck driver slammed right into there car killing all of them instantly it broke me.... I got sent to my uncle and well he is a perverted bastard no he didn't touch me in anyway but he always had a party going on a parade of whores he would sleep with him and his friends where the worst but I will give him the fact that he made sure none of them touched me in anyway he even beat the shit out of one of them when he groped my breast anyways that's why I have never been able to trust any man well except for Tristan and in some way I guess Mateo....
I broke out of my deep thoughts when Mateo started talking again...

Mateo- when we get back home you and I are gunna seat down and I am lay everything out to you and this what happened tonight will never happen again especially this outfit you are to take it off so I can burn it, "NO MAN IS ALLOWED TO LOOK AT WHAT IS MINE!!!!
( I take my index finger and lift up her chin)
Do I make myself clear!!

Kayla- NO we do not I am not yours , did you ask if I wanted to be your girlfriend, " NO YOU DID NOT !!! , you can not tell me what to do mister it's Saturday I am off the clock ( I stuck my tongue at him )and what do you mean back home this isn't the way to my home.

Mateo - first off watch how you talk to me tesoro
Second I didn't ask you, you are right I am telling you and lastly we are not going to your apartment, you are moving in with me I don't want you to live there anymore.

Kayla- excuse me I am not living with you, I can't leave Tristan like that to pay rent on his own it isn't right that and I am not yours so you can't tell me what to do?
( I went to move off his lap but that only resulted in him tightening his grip )

Mateo- Where the hell do you think you are going huh!!
This is your place right on my lap wrapped in my embrace( fuck she is so cute especially when she's blushing like that, I brush a soft kiss on the side of her lips I need to take it slow well only slow in a sexual contents because I know she has never been with a man sexually I know everything that happened to her what she was exposed to in her childhood I wouldn't blame her for been fearful in that regards to been in a sexual relationship, I told Emily to get some women Products like shampoo conditioner body wash and all the girly crap and to pick out some sleep wear and a casual outfit this seem to make her Perk up Happily, what the hell has gotten into her .

Mateo- come on tesoro where here( I helped her out of the SUV and wrapped my arms around her waist , she fits perfectly in my arms, my heart is no longer so restless now that I have told her, she may not like how I did it but it's been so long this is the only way I know how.
The elevators open and the first thing I see makes me want to pull my gun out and blow this bitches brains out, what exactly do I see, Emily in a skimpy nighty and then it came back to me she probably thinks I meet it for her well she is about to get a wake up call, I glance at Kayla and she looks like she's about to cry she tries to push away from me, tesoro don't even think about it, it's not what you think but don't worry I am about to set it straight.

"Emily what the hell are you doing I told you to buy things for my woman then leave not wear them, I should have done this the first time you crossed the line "your fired , get the hell out of here now and you can keep that I don't know what holy things are between your legs....

Emily -w...what b...but .... You can't, y..you need me , what about Gabriel, I ...I thought....( cutoff)

Mateo- "you thought wrong, when the hell have I ever gave you the idea I would ever want to be with you I have never and never will have any type of relationship with my son nanny, the only good I can say about you unlike the other you actually did take care of my son but I see now that was an act, like the rest of them you used him to try and get to me , I suggest you leave say another word and I will make sure you never get a job anywhere ( I watched the fear cloud her eyes then she turn and ran out , good well she knows that I am in the Mafia that my family is the head of all Mafia's, I turn to face a very shocked and confused Kayla.)
Look baby girl sorry you had to see that I had no clue she would that but not to worry my sweet she will not be a problem anymore.
Now lets get some food in you to absorb all that alcohol and some aspirin so your hangover won't be so bad in the morning and needless to say tesoro this will be the last time you ever drink like this.

Kayla pov - I just had this blank stare on my face , I have no words I know I should yell at him and give him a peace of my mind, but I can't seem to get them out anymore, ' dammit he always does this, why the hell do I end up giving in to him like this, I'm gunna have to sneak away again there is no way I am living here with him, his son I wouldn't mind I love Gabriel his the sweetest little boy but man he certainly has his father temper believe me I have seen it, but now is not the time to go into that, right now I need to plan my Second escape' god wish me luck!!!

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