Heavenly's torturous ending

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Mateo pov- I got ready to head over to cells to end her for good we had our fun torturing now I am ready to end it for good and move on with my future with Kayla Gabriel and our little girl to come.
I made my way down stairs with Julian and Dominic since mio fratelli was busy Markus and Carlos are already down there.
As we got there they already had her hanging up again.

Mateo- I am so glad your still hanging around hahah no pun intended my dear ex wife but not to worry I am here to rectify that but not before I have a little fun first so just hang in there and it will all end soon.
( the boys and I couldn't help but laugh as she started screaming and apologising profusely if she thinks that will let me show leniency towards her after everything she has done she has another thing coming, I picked up the 5 strap whip and Started lashing it on her back side, her cries and screams filled the room it was music to my ears )

Heavenly- AAHHHH!!!!!! AAHHHH!!!!!!!!
( crying, screaming, begging but he was not having any of it, I noticed the new ring on his finger, my eyes widened as I realise Kayla Pulled through and they got married he really didn't love me anymore, I can feel my life slipping away, I can tell now that I will not make it out alive , maybe he will give me one last thing, I want to see our son, I want to apologise to him and maybe if he forgives me Mateo will let me go )

Please...... I know......I will die......just....,just please let .....me see Gabriel.....let ....me ....Ahhhh!!! Apologise........ to our son.......

Mateo- our son hahah really you didn't even read the divorce papers did you although it probably a little hard with the pain you where in haha, so let me tell you he is not your son anymore when you signed those papers you also gave up all parental rights and on my wedding day Kayla legally adopted him and became his mother it was his idea he ask Kayla if he could call her Mama and of course been the sweet Angel she is ,she said yes... so what makes you think he will want to see you....

Heavenly- 'what you can't......AAHHHH!!!!! ( crying) 'she can't, he....he ....will....always....and ....forever.....only ....have......one ......mother...."that's me......me.....( crying) it's me....
Please Mateo......I just have....to apologise......then you may do.....as you wish.....

Mateo- I always do as I wish.... And as far as your request I will think about it and ask him but only if you survive your next set of torture hahah, Julian,Dominic it's time to get a little mediaeval on her hahaha..... take her down and strap her down, Markus get me the rats.
( after they took her down they laid her down and chained her up and Markus brought the rat and the gage, as soon as we release the rats they immediately got to work gnawing at her flesh we all could help but laugh at her screams , ah I do love mediaeval torture methods, its all sick and twisted which comes in handy when your dealing with people like her )

Heavenly- AAHHHH!!!!!! Take it off......please.....AAHHHH!!!!! No more.........
( as soon as the rats where Released they started eating my flesh trying to find away out it was the most painful thing they have done my cries and screams and pleas only seem to make them laugh harder at my misery , I may have taken Kayla but I didn't to thing like this to her I just left her in room, I don't deserve this )

Mateo- no... I don't think so, I told you if you can handle this and survive, I will let you see 'My son but only if he wants to.
( I let the rats get to work on her for almost the minutes before we took it off any longer and she will she would be dead if they got to her organs and I am no wear near done with her )

Okay Carlos strap her stomach to slow the bleeding down there are a few things I want to do to her before I finish her for good.
( I watch as he dragged her to the chair, blood
Pouring on of her )

Hey wake up don't die on me yet, it's not your time and today is your lucky day Gabriel wants to see you he will be down in a few minutes

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Hey wake up don't die on me yet, it's not your time and today is your lucky day Gabriel wants to see you he will be down in a few minutes.
( ten minutes later Gabriel came down, he came up to me and embraced me holding his nose at the putrid smell coming from the woman who brought him into the world, pride swelled up in my heart as I watched mio figlio puff his chest out and put on the Cruz men signature Stone cold stare)

Gabriel- well woman I am here say what you have too. ( I know some people may think that would be disrespectful seeing she is my mother but to me she is not, even when she was here when I was a baby she never care for me and after everything she has done she deserves everything that is coming her but I want to do it, I know there not opposed to that as they did start training us very young which is why the Gore in front of me doesn't bother me at all, we are raise to have a thick skin but I will admit the smell is getting to me it's so gross )

Heavenly- (crying) my baby....boy....I...am so...sorry...I...should....have...taken....you with..me.....
I'm....sorry, forgive....me...

Gabriel- papa Sono pronto posso farlo, lascia che la finisca, non è mia madre, ha ferito la mia vera mamma, abbiamo quasi perso lei e la mia sorellina.
( papa I'm ready I can do it, let me finish it, it's not my mom, she hurt my real mom, we almost lost her and my little sister. )

Mateo- ( I looked to Guys to see if I should really do this , let him to this , I look to my son and see the complete determination and seriousness in his eyes)

se è quello che vuoi figlio e sei sicuro di poterlo gestire, allora hai la mia benedizione.
( if that's what you want son and you are sure you can handle it then you have my blessing. )

Gabriel- I will never forgive you for what you have done to my family you are and will never be my mother but I will show you some mercy but ending your worthless life nice and quick it will be a welcome relief after your all the unmerciful torture you have been through. ( I grabbed the gun and walked up to her holding it to her head )
It's time to join your own mother in hell ( BANG )

Mateo - you okay figlio after that.

Gabriel- better then okay papa.

Mateo- good, Julian drag her out of her and get rid of her body.
( as Gabriel and I made our way back up the stairs I took one last look at her blood that covered the entire floor, happiness filled my heart because now That I know she is dead our life's are now even brighter)

( as Gabriel and I made our way back up the stairs I took one last look at her blood that covered the entire floor, happiness filled my heart because now That I know she is dead our life's are now even brighter)

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Carlos get the clean up crew in here to clean all this up.
Come figlio will get cleaned up and go see mama will have some family time in the theatre room.

Gabriel- sounds good papa, I know she will be happy to be out of the room from the lock down you put her on hahaha...

Mateo- hey I am doing that for her own good but yes I know she not to happy with me about this so hopefully a movie family night will make up for it.

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