Fighting for her life

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Mateo pov- my heart is racing, my breathing has become laboured I haven't been this scared and in raged since my parents, Jeremy and his team just finished operating on her , this imagine of her blood so much blood I can never get out of my mind, As I hold her and tell her over and and over again how sorry I am, this is my fault , I didn't protect her my papa would be so ashamed, I am a Cruz we protect our women, our family, we protect them with our lives, but I didn't do that, she got shot, she is hooked up to a machine that breaths for her. 'God I can not lose her now.
My phone goes off pulling me from my thoughts , I was going to ignore it but when I saw it was Junior I picked it up right away.

Mateo- Fratello tell me you got who was behind the attack? , I want his name, I want his heart in the palm of my hand just so I can squeeze the life out of him.

Junior- It is no he , it is a she that is all we got before they die, I already have Markus looking in on who these men are and who they are connected too, we will fine who is behind this, that is a promise Fratello, how is she doing anyways.

Mateo-not good, Jeremy said he will know more tomorrow, I let this happen Fratello, I...I didn't protect her, I can't lose her ....

Junior- you will not lose her, this is not your fault you didn't see it coming, so don't blame yourself, we are coming now meet us in office we will talk more, I will send Julian to watch her.

Mateo-  si Fratello , but make it quick, I don't want to leave her for too long...
( hangup)

Mateo pov- after I hangup I walked up to her and kiss her forehead and whispered into her ( I will be back il mio piccola tesoro )
I opened the door to find Julian already there.

Julian- Capo .... I will guard her with my life you have word I won't let you down again, I will stay by her side when you are not 24/7  I have to...
I will inform you when she wakes up.

Mateo pov- I just nodded my head and walked out as much as I wanted to rip his head clean of his body for letting her slip away, I couldn't I know Kayla and if she wanted to do something she will do it no matter who she has to go through, but still I was mad as hell, I wonder why he chose Julian to guard her.
As soon as I walk into Junior office, I see my fratelli are already there.
They all embrace me without saying a word.

Mateo- so a woman is behind this?

Alejandro- yes that what one of the men said but before he could utter a name he died from a gun shot, but it wasn't by us, we looked everywhere for the mysterious snipper, but came up empty.

Markus- well so for far from the man who said it was a woman behind it all we know that he came form Italy from some small country town, Casstelluccio, Umbria, do we know anyone from there, that has a score to settle.

Mateo pov - As soon as I heard the name I instantly froze ' no it can't be, can it? I quickly calm down so I don't draw attention to myself, I will tell them once I know for sure cause there is only one person I new that was there but it can't be them, it just can't at least I hope it is not.

Junior- Fratello...., Fratello.....,are you okay, maybe you need a drink and some rest, we will handled this, we will tell you everything tomorrow go rest, you are no good to Kayla like this and besides she will freak out if she see you looking like the walking dead lol...haha...

Mateo pov- I roll my eyes and let out a low growl at his stupid joke, ha and his suppose to be this genius, but still I did go... so I can check out if This person behind this is the one who I think it is , I know someone in the next village over.

Mateo- Charlie... did you get the photo

Charlie- yes I did, what do you need

Mateo- go there to see if you can locate this person take a photo and send it to me.

Charlie- you got it( hangup )

Mateo pov- I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to, I need to be near Kayla, Julian may watch her during the day sometimes but at night I need her near me, hearing her heart beat next to mine gives me comfort that she is with me even if right now the machines are doing most of the work, I know my tesoro and she is strong she is a fighter.
I get to the room and tell Julian he can go home.
I slowly picked her up carful of the wires and lay her on top of me holding her tightly to my chest I kiss her forehead and whispered goodnight sweet dreams il mio piccola tesoro.......
I am here and I will find and destroy all who was involved in hurting you, they will all wish for death but death will not come so quick I promise tesoro I will make them suffer.
I shut my eyes as my heart begins to calm down, I look out at the window into the night sky.
' god please don't make it be who I think it might be , cause that would be impossible But if it is then my tesoro is in even more danger which means she will need more then one guard.
I don't care what happens to me, but please protect My son Gabriel and protect Kayla.
I look down at her pulling her more closely before I final fell asleep...

.....sneak peek.....

Two shocks will hit the Cruz family one good and one that will try and destroy Mateo and his new found happiness.
Keep an eye out for the up coming chapters which will reveal all

Mateo mafia Prince finds his true loveWhere stories live. Discover now