Heavenly amd Damien's torture

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I am just letting everyone one know that the images in this chapter are both graphic, gruesome and disturbing , I have had my images flag before so I thought I would warn you first, so if you don't like seeing this like that then you can skip this chapter.

Heavenly pov- This is not how this is suppose to go ( crying, screaming) I have been tied upside down for I don't now how long, I woke up like this then I remembered that those bastard gave me a shot, I was suppose to have my revenge no one was suppose to stop me, I had everything planned out, but I never saw the return of the ones I killed, they ruined everything.

Heavenly- Ahhh!!!!  "PUT ME  DOWN!!!!!  "GET  ME  DOWN ( crying, I feel all my Energy I had vanish, I scan the room in hopes I will find something I can use to get me out of here but the only thing I see is a bloody and beaten up Damien, my body instantly freezes as I hear a door open and closing footsteps getting closer and closer to me.

Miguel- you know pulling and constantly moving is only making it go tighter, once it would have killed me to see you in this position but that all changed no so much for what you did to me, but its what you did to my wife, my son and his true wife...... and what you where about to do to the rest of my family, ah fear in your eyes  yes that's good that's what I want to see, but don't worry I will not kill you today I will leave that honour for my son Mateo after all I did promise my wife I wouldn't kill you.
figli maschi ( sons )
Give me my steel iron blade.
Heavenly do you see this although it's very sharp and could slice for human flash no problem but it can also be use to burn the flesh right of someone all you have to do is heat the iron to a certain degree and there you go allow me to demonstrate, I always told Mateo how delicate your skin was let us see if I was right shall we.
I placed the sword into the Carol I had ready lit on fire I put the blade part inside and waited for it to heat up when I new it was done it was time for this old Don to have his fun hahhaa to this my boys all shake there heads at, well I thought it was funny....
I started cutting and burning her Flash  as she hang there screaming in agony.

I started cutting and burning her Flash  as she hang there screaming in agony

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Heavenly- No.....( crying) please let......me......go..... just....stop....(screaming)...... AAHHHH!!!!!

Miguel- stop did you think to stop when it came to Kayla for two weeks with no food or water maybe we should so the same see how long you will last.
Well I would love to Continue torturing you but I need you to heal in time for Mateo to deal with you.
figli lasciati andare affrontare il topo
( sons lets go deal with the rat )

Heavenly- "NO!!! You....AAHHHH!!! Can't....leave..me.....

Miguel- not to worry Jeremy will be in soon and he will fix you up( We walk over to the corner cell to where Damien was, When he see me he gets ever paler )
Judging by your reaction you know who I am but I am not the one you should be worrying about I am not The Mafia king anymore I may be a Don still but I am not the Don you should be concerned with that would be my son, he the one that has sworn you it you took the omerta with him not me but I am sure you know what happens when you Betray the family.
His all yours.

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