Kayla wedding, baby shower and surprise

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( time skip )

Kayla pov- it's been a month in a half since I woke up I was so shocked I started panicking that something happened to our baby but Mateo just held me close to him reassuring mean everything is fine that the baby was growing strong and healthy that Jeremy has been keeping a close eye and monitoring the baby.
Right now I am 6 in a half months pregnant and today we are getting married and also the baby shower basically we are doing it all together Mateo has insisted he said he will inly doing it once so He can keep me on the bed until or baby comes, I am so bored, I probably would have lost it if it wasn't for Camila, Lena and Miracle and of course Angel  who I now call mama she insisted I call her that and she said she wouldn't take no for an answer.
I snapped out of my thoughts as the doors open and the ladies of the house all walk in.

Angel - good morning sweetheart it's time to get ready have you showered and eaten already

Kayla- yes mama I have.

Angel- okay good ,well these are the stylist they are here to do your hair and make up, then Camila and I will help you with your dress.

Kayla pov- I sat in the chair silently taking everything in as they did my hair and makeup once they finished Angel and the rest of the girls came in and gasp in awe.

Kayla pov- I sat in the chair silently taking everything in as they did my hair and makeup once they finished Angel and the rest of the girls came in and gasp in awe

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( Kayla's makeup )

Angel- oh my you look absolutely stunning, my son is a very lucky man and remember if my son doesn't act right to you in anyway you tell me, I will handle him, come on lets go put you in your dress.

Camila- wow look at you, Mateo is going to be drooling, dropping to his knees I tell you

Kayla- this dress is gorgeous, thank you, I couldn't have picked a more prefect dress.

Camila- oh we didn't pick it actually it was Mateo, he said he wanted to pick it for you and that when he saw this he new it was made for you.
Our team just made it, it's the only one he didn't want us to make anymore because he said and I quote that your dress must be the only one of its kind haha.
Come on the ceremony is about to start and then you get to see your surprise your gunna love it.

Kayla- what surprise?

Camila- oh no your not getting anything out of me, just trust me on this okay now lets go Junior text me saying Mateo is growing inpatient his threatening to drag you to the altar if your not there in the next 10 minutes, I swear his lost it he knows how big this house is anyways lets go, Papa is waiting outside to walk you there.

Miguel- you look beautiful, ( I put my arm out so we could walk her to my impatient son who has been yelling constantly because she wasn't getting there fast enough)

Mateo pov- I was starting to get impatient and angry , How long does it take they should of had her here 20 minutes ago, it's not like I am in a hurry to get it over with , it's just I want hurry and get this party over with so I can take her back up to our room so she can rest I don't want here walking around or standing on her feet for too long she isn't suppose to over do it, thats why I made our wedding and baby shower together so it's just one party then after the party she will stay in that room on bed rest until our baby is ready to come out, but today I will also surprise her with a gift I brought us a mansion next to Junior's and Alejandro all the properties Connect so the kids never have to leave the gates to see there cousin.
Junior and my brother's did the nursery for the baby they know what we are having but we won't know tell later on.
I am pulled out of my thoughts as Junior taps me on the shoulder calling my name and I turn to look and there she is coming my way and she is breathtaking I can't take my eyes of her

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