War and shock surprise p1

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Markus pov- Capo Mateo I got the location there about 2 hours ago some old house in the woods.

Junior- I want at least 10 of a man here just in case and the rest of them will follow us , Alright everyone lets move out , ( as we where leaving I turn to Mateo who looked completely out if it , I know he is blaming himself because he really did thought he killed her all these years ago, but he shouldn't blame himself, the one at blame is the one we will end and that is Heavenly-Grace and Damien there deaths will not come easy. )
Fratello look at me, you need to snap out if it and get your head back and Focused, remember what papa use to say, to succeeding in any war you need a clear head because when your mind in not at ease and focused you will get yourself and others killed.
Concentrate on those happy memories you don't want to lose that so think of that and only that not about anything else you got it.
Remember the game plan you are to go in first we will wait just press the Necklace papa gave us and we will storm through their guns blazing.
Just make sure Kayla and Gabriel are in a safe Location we don't want them getting hurt.

Mateo-si Fratello ( I have a million things going through my head about seeing the woman I once loved and cherished until she betrayed me. )

Junior- Fratello don't lose your cool right away, you need to stay calm and control yourself.

Mateo- I said I got alright I know what has to be done anyways are the men ready yet I would like to bring our family home.

Junior- si everyone is ready they are waiting out front.

Mateo pov- We all Rush out Jumping into the SUV's that we're waiting others got into the vans as soon as we where off, my anger started rising again I could feel the veins in my neck pumping like crazy, I know what Junior said was true I do have to calm down and gain control cause I will go in there alone first and if I lose it before I know Kayla and Gabriel are safe then it won't well, times like this I could really use mama she was the only one who could calm me down when I get like this, My brother's use to taut me calling me Mama's boy well they weren't lying I was a mama's boy.
I look out the window and in my mind I asked mama to stay with me and help me be calm I don't want them or any of my family to get hurt because I lost control, I was to lost in my own thoughts I didn't realise we got to the location already well the location my Brother's will get off at and I will drive the car the rest of the way, I have to make her think I came here on my own.
"I swear nothing have better happened to them or I will bring hell to down on Heavenly and Damien, there torture Death with be like no one else's in will go down in history for been the most volatile, disturbing and gruesome death of all time.
I get out of the car and I see a couple of men there faces pale when they see me but they quickly gain composure, but none of them came near me instead they turned the other way. 'Pussy....

I walked right up to the front door looked at the one person I never wanted to see again, the person until recently I thought I killed.

I walked right up to the front door looked at the one person I never wanted to see again, the person until recently I thought I killed

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It seems the psycho has had some work done I only really recognised her from her eyes.

Heavenly- "What are you doing here, how did you get past my men, let me guess you brought your brother's, you never could do anything alone and accomplish it after all you found me on your own all those years ago shot me but here I am  alive a well haha....
I wanted to kill you all at once and end your entire family once and for all, then every one will fear me and bow down to me.
But since it looks like your alone I guess I will start with you first, my love hahah.

Mateo - ( I saw her reach for a gun but before she could pull the trigger I jumped back and hit the ground.) This isn't going to end well for you just tell me where my son and Kayla are, your men are not skilled enough to take on my family, do you really think you will get away unscathed.

Heavenly- 'You don't know anything, you will see, your hole family will see.

Mateo pov- I press the button signalling Junior and our men to move in, I could feel someone's presence behind me it was that same guard that turned away after see me and now because he thinks I can't see him he could kill me haha what a loser he would never be able to make any shot with those shaky hands I turn around and face him shooting him right between the eyes.
I can see movement from inside the house I also see guns before they could fire I leaped behind the SUV waiting for them to finish there rounds before I jumped up and fired rounds of my own before taking cover again and that's when I see in the corner of my eye that my family the Royal Mafia are here.

Junior- Fratello are you okay, did you see if Gabriel and Kayla are safe.

Mateo- no...no I didn't she went all crazy, this isn't really about Kayla she wants to kill and end are entire family.

Junior- Markus get back to the van call text email I don't care just let them know they might be under attack they need to prepare.

Mateo- what are we gunna do, we don't know where they are we can't blindly run in and shoot let any type of bomb of because they could get hurt Fratello I...I don't know where she has them......

Junior- we will find them I sent a couple of them outback snippers have clear shots around the whole area none of them will get away I give you my word Fratello, now let us finish this once and all together, tutto per la famiglia ( everything for the family)

Mateo pov- guns started flaring shattering the ground brought the dust up into the air almost like a mini sand storm nothing but screams and gun fire could be heard I could barely see anything, I squinting my eyes and yells at everyone to shut up Then that is when I saw her il mio piccola tesoro heavenly Damien had her by her hair I wanted to rip him limb to Limbs that bastard is so dead He licked her face even with all the dusk in the air I could see that along with her tears.
I couldn't take it anymore my mind went blank I ran straight to them ignoring my brothers cries
I screamed in anger as I got closer then I screamed in pain as I felt something piercing and burning from my body I realised I have been shot then I looked up at Damien who had a smirk on his face then he then he threw something......
That's when I heard Junior say grenade followed by my name I wasn't in the right state of mind to reacts right away that's when my body was lifting and thrown into the air.
I could hear anything I could barely see I tried getting up but I couldn't move anything then all sudden a shadow appeared in front of me I can't see who it was clearly I squinted my eyes shutting and opening it a few times then the shadow became clearer ' no it can be how is this possible, I uttered the words of the person I thought I would never see again Mama........

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