Romantic night out

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Mateo pov- A true Weight has been lifted off my shoulders I have finally told her the truth, I was worried at first that she wouldn't except it and leave me, not that I would ever let her, I grew more tense when she got quite but instantly relaxed when she threw herself at me kissed me passionately there where no words after that, things got heated fairly quickly but I put a stop to it, I know she is not ready for that but I don't mind waiting she is Worth it.
Tonight I am going to take her out on a date our first, I know kinda backwards, I lay my claim on her but never took her out well tonight I will rectify that.
I look down and can't help but to smile as I watch Kayla asleep in my arms as I move my arms from under her so I can get up I couldn't help but chuckle as a pout appeared on her face from the loss of contact, Instant pride swelled through me, it felt good to know that I had that kinda affect on her.
After I showered and got dressed I headed to my office I also have here, I had to make some calls for our date I want everything to be perfect, she deserves the world and I am going to give it to her.
I canceled my meetings for today and tomorrow, today is for Kayla and I , tomorrow well my son Gabriel gets back and I wanted the three of guys to spend the day together we will be family after all soon enough, I know Gabriel loves her he was always drawn to her so I know when the time comes and I ask her to marry me he will have no problem.


Kayla- Mateo... ( pouting)

Mateo- come in baby girl and what's got you all pouty huh?

Kayla- you left and you didn't wake me, I am your PA I should be helping you and .....

Mateo-( I cut her off with a soft kiss ) I'm sorry I left baby girl but I didn't want to wake you, you need your rest you haven't completely healed, so no you won't be going back to work anytime soon.

Kayla- what I...I'm fine ( he shot me glare that says I better stop, but me been me I can't help it )

Mateo- you got shot a few days ago, you are not fine, we will talk about that when you stitches come out, till then you will not go into the office and that is final do not argue with me you will not win.

Kayla- please Mateo I will be bored and go crazy ( pouting/ puppy dog eyes )
Umm... I... I can work from here and handle all your schedules and meetings while resting in bed please.... Mateo.. you wouldn't denying me would you ( sad puppy face ) ( I know low blow but hey it's all I got right now and hopefully it will work )

Mateo- fine you can handle my Weekly schedule and meetings but that's it no paperwork, no making hundreds of calls to clients that way you won't be working all day and should be done in two three hours then you and rest.
If you do more then that believe me I will know and you won't be doing anything at all do I make myself clear?

Kayla- yes.... Yes... I promise ( it's not a lot but it's still something I should be grateful he gave me that )
So email me all the details and I will have your schedule for the rest of the week for you by the end of the day.

Mateo- not today baby girl, not even tomorrow, I took two days off my brother's will handle the important ones, today tesoro is about us I have a special date planned for you, for us, I just have to handle a few things so why don't you go back to our room and relax I will have them bring you some breakfast I will call you when you have to get ready okay( I kissed her cheek )

Kayla- (huff ) you won't eat with me, I could eat here with you and maybe help a bit before I have to get ready, btw where are you taking me ( blushing)

Mateo- it's a surprise, dress nice but comfy and casual I don't want the dress to be too tight that you pop your stitches out.
I would love to have you here but I am trying to get this done in an hour or two so I can spend the rest of the day with you and you been here will only distract me, now go eat your breakfast I will see you when it's time for our date.

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