War and shocking surprise p2 

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Junior pov - Alejandro and I rushed to Mateo as we saw his body been flung into the air from the blast of the grenade as soon as we reached him we saw a woman cradling his head when we got closer we both stood there shock for a second at who it was, how was it even possible.

Angel- I know the both of you are shocked right now but now isn't the time your papa and I will explain later, right now you both need to finish what you started and end it now your papa already went inside , I will take Mateo home he needs medical attention immediately so put him in the car. ( I know my boys are still in shock to say anything but they listened Junior fired rounds so Alejandro was able to get his brother in the car, I told them to go back and I excepted them all to be home safe and once again telling them we will explain later)

Alejandro- Fratello

Junior- I know come on we have to move, ( we both slowly move to the house firing one round after another , I took a look around pleased at my men seeing only the men standing around and all hers laying dead on the ground, right now I am seeing more red il mio Fratello is hurt because of this crazy bitch, we close in to the side of the house and the one person I have been wanting to see in this moment is walking out with a very frail and unconscious Kayla in his arms, I see Gabriel walking beside him dragging something behind him I take a closer look and I can see that it's heavenly he calls my name snapping me out of my thoughts.

Gabriel - Zio ...Zio... ( I said breathing hard , it was really hard to drag her out, but when I saw my Nonno I was shocked and so happy he is alive and he has Kayla, I wanted to show him how strong and brave I am)

Junior- Gabriel... are you hurt any where, did they do anything to you

Miguel- figlio now isn't the time he needs cover so he can make it to the car, I will explain everything to you all and no I didn't fake my death again, ORA FIGLIO!!! They to get to SUV there the only ones that are bullet proof they will be safe in there.
( I look around I don't see Angel or Mateo )

Junior- sorry papa , okay Gabriel on the count to three I want you to Run with Nonno to the Furthest SUV and when get there stay there and look after Kayla, I mean your mama, Carlos get this bitch in the van give her the shot to knock her out, ( he nods his head and grabs Heavenly)
Ok ready 1...2....3..... go....go.....go....
My man and I start Firing we don't stop till they reach the car safely. I see papa come out firing running back our way....)

Miguel pov- I watch my two sons as they stood in the firing line so Gabriel and I could get to the SUV unscathed I was beaming with pride to see first hand how much they have grown in 10 the years We have been gone and it kills me to know that we had no part in it, it was not in our control but still.
I know Angel and I have some explaining, I also know they probably think I faked it again but that is the furthest from the truth but we will explain our self another time preferably when we are not been shot at, speaking of  Angel where the hell is she and Mateo I haven't seen him too, I snap out of my deep thoughts just enough time to see someone coming behind Junior and Alejandro I take the gun in my hand and aim in at him shooting him in the head, 'no one touches my sons.
They both nod to me not saying a word we continue to Exchange firer  till there is only three of them left they drop there guns and start pleading.
Once we take there guns we take a sigh in relief that is it over, our men that are Injured head into the vans the others start clean up disposing of the dead, every thing was quite but then we heard two gun shots been fired we all turned around to see one there guys fall to his knees  dropping his gun screaming in pain, we all see who shoot him it's Gabriel but what he said next had my blood boiling.

Gabriel- tu ratto hai rotto l'omerta, ora sai cosa verrà dopo la tua morte, che so non sarà facile perché quelli che rompono l'omerta muoiono di morte peggiore, che Dio abbia pietà della tua anima perché noi di certo non lo faremo.

( you rat broke the omerta, now you know what will come after your death, which I know will not be easy because those who break the omerta ,die the worst death, may God have mercy on your soul because we certainly won't )

Zio's   Nonno can we go home now, where is papa

Junior- si lets get out of here, Carlos take this ratto ( rat ) bandage up his legs we don't want him to die yet.

Gabriel- Zio Junior where is my papa...( my eyes began to water fearing the worst )

Junior- ( I sigh looking down at him )
Your papa will be fine, you know how strong he is  right , he got shot and he also got thrown your Nonna took him home so Zio Jeremy can look after him now lets go we have to get back quickly so he can also attend to Kayla

Gabriel- okay Zio do you think the baby will be okay..., I don't know what they did to her all I know is that they never gave her any food or water...

Junior- I don't know but we will pray and hope for the best but if we want her to have that fighting chance we need to get moving now..
( after I said that Gabriel ran straight to the SUV , papa Alejandro and I both followed and jumped into the SUV before taking off that's when I started to worry, for my brother and Kayla.
I know Alejandro and I are thinking the same thing, what the hell happened to Them to keep them away for this long its been a little over 10 years.
Whatever there reason is I couldn't be more happier.


Heavenly-Grace pov - My own son.....that little shit.... Agrrr I can't believe he shot me, put chains and rope on me and not only that he shoved a dirty rag in my mouth and taped in shut and to make it worse I saw Miguel, "what no this is not happening, it is not meet to go down like this, I didn't see Damien so hopefully he will set everything straight and we can finally finish them.

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