15 years later

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Mateo pov- it's been 15 blissful years with my beautiful wife and our kids Gabriel is 25 Gabriella is 15 we also had two more after Gabriella there is Alessandro who is 10 and Luca who is 4, thing had been relatively quiet no real threats at least not to my family.
I was lost in deep thought about by all my  blissful moments that I have had and I thank god every day for bringing Kayla into my life and blessings us with 4 amazing kids when the door bell went of and one if the maids informed me that a young man name Liam was here to see Gabriella which made me shoot up from my seat taking my gun with me who is this Liam stronzo that thinks he can take il mio principessa out , as soon as I get to the living room where he was waiting my blood started to boil because this is one thing I didn't want to happen.
Right now I am about to ripe the organs out of this punk who thing he can come here and take out my only daughter, I pointed my gun out to this kid and he looks like he is gunna shit him self from pure Terror ' pussy , this little bitch is not taking my little principessa out , this wouldn't have happened if Kayla didn't talk me into letting her go to school once she hit high school, that's when boys make it there Mission to get as much pussy as They can, I would know I was like that, and I would never let my principessa be one of those girls, it's time to send this kid running back to his mommy like the little pussy ass bitch that I know he is.

Mateo- "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my home?

Liam- umm...ah... hello Mr Cruz sir....., I ....I came.....to...take...... Gabriella......out....to....the....movies....sir.....( gulp, I know some of the guys at school who's dad's all know gabby's dad warned me that he was extremely protective of his daughter that all the men in there family where, they told me not to ask her out to leave her alone but I just couldn't she is the hottest girl in school and I wanted her , but right now standing in front of him I get what they all meant, I mean the man has a gun pointed at me , I am trying to remain cool but I don't think it is working and I can see that he knows that)

Mateo- And who the fuck said that you could take my daughter out, did you come to me first , 'NO YOU DIDN'T !!!!

Gabriel- wow papa what's up, what's going on, who's the kid

Mateo- this stronzo things he can take out il mio principessa out, you better take him out of here before I kill this kid

Gabriel- "what gabby is only 15, ( just as papa and I where about to lose it gabby comes running down the stairs when she see all of us and papa with a gun to this boy her faces pales and she runs to stand in front if him which made papa put his gun down )

Gabriella - PAPA!!!! STOP!!! Please papa put it down, ( I turned to face Liam )
Liam I told you I would meet you there I told you not to come here ( "Shit I just realise what are you did, I just said that out loud  I slowly turn around to face my papa and brother who both have the deadliest glares on there face , great just great I thought mama said they wouldn't be here when I left )

Mateo- hai pochi secondi per spiegarti in questo momento perché sto per perdere l'ultima parte di pazienza che ho e sai dannatamente bene cosa accadrà e sai che non mi interessa perché quando si tratta di te brucerò il mondo intero a terra per impedirti di farti male i miei ragazzini come lui. cosa stai facendo esci con lui, sei troppo giovane per uscire con lui.
sai cosa sono così arrabbiato per affrontare questa cosa adesso sali al piano di sopra nella tua stanza ora Julian si assicura che rimanga nella sua stanza.
( you have a few seconds to explain to you right now why i'm about to lose the last bit of patience i have and you know damn well what's going to happen and you know i don't care because when it comes to you i will burn the whole world to the ground to stop you from hurting yourself. my kids like him. what are you doing date him, you are too young to date him.
you know what i'm so mad about facing this now go upstairs to your room now julian makes sure he stays in his room.)

Gabriella- what papa that's no fair his a nice boy his sweet to me I am 15 I am not a baby anymore.

Mateo- sai che è meglio allora rispondermi in questo modo, ti amo, sei la mia unica figlia ma non vedrai mai più questo ragazzo, infatti tornerai a studiare di nuovo a casa, combatti con me su questo o mi hai disobbedito o sgattaiola fuori e vedilo lo ucciderò ora sali nella tua stanza e rimani lì finché non sarò pronto a parlarti.
( you know you better answer me like this then, I love you, you are my only daughter but you will never see this guy again, in fact you will go back to study at home again, fight with me about this or you disobeyed me or sneak out and see it I'll kill now go up to your room and stay there until I'm ready to talk to you.)

Mateo pov - I watch my principessa run up the stairs crying , I do feel guilty anout threatening her but I did it out of love, I quickly turn my attention back to the stronzo.

Mateo-  you have two seconds to get up and move your ass out of  my property before I send you back to your mother in pieces contact or talk to my daughter again and you can tell your father that I will cancel contracts with me yes I new he had a son just didn't know it was you until my man told me, chose wisely son,  because believe me you go near her again and I won't be as generous ( cutoff)

Kayla- leave the boy alone you have scared him enough , go home Liam( I watch the poor boy bolt out of our home )
Did you really have to do that, you know you can't keep her locked up in our home for life, keep restricting her she'll run away as soon as she is 18 maybe even younger if you keep going like that.

Mateo- I won't restricts her for life, I just don't like that boy, he no good  I can sense it and as far as Gabriella I will talk to her when I am calm.
You new didn't you about  her going out with that boy, you where going to let her out without a guard we may not have any threats but that doesn't mean there is no one that will try and harm her, she is never allowed out without guards and I am pulling her out of school she will  work from home until I say other wise( Kayla goes to argue with me but I cut her off by kissing her lips ) don't argue tesoro not on this, I will see you later tonight then I will talk to Gabriella right now Gabriel and I have to head into the office.
I will see you soon, just remember three more months then Gabriel will take over and you and I are going on a nice holiday just the two of us we haven't had one in a long time( I kissed her lips one last time before I walked out with our son )

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