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Kayla pov- I have been tied to this chair for I don't know how long I tried calling out for Gabriel but got not response, I start freaking out and panicking that something happened to him I have no clue who took us or what they want, I stopped hearing any voices ages ago, I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
I tried to suppress my tears but I couldn't I broke down crying screaming Gabriella's name hoping here good her me and let me now he is okay.

Gabriel- "who the hell are you and why did you take us when my papa and Zio's find you you will all be dead ( I yelled at the lady who was just starring at me like a creep but when my eyes land on the man my blood began to boil he works at the gate at Zio Junior's )

topo, hai tradito la mia famiglia, di cui dovrebbe far parte e sai che c'è un solo destino per te, che è la morte, per ciò che questa strega inquietante che non smette di starmi addosso
( rat , you have betrayed my family, which should be a part and you know that there is only one destiny for you, which is death, for what this creepy witch who never stops hanging on me )

( Arggg the witch slapped me , she is lucky I am tied up well to be honest I am almost free thank god for training, but papa said if I am ever taken be calm and don't lose your temper which sadly I have but I can't help it, that took Mama some where In the back that's all I know and she has my little brother or sister growing inside her I have to find her and protect her intel papa and my Zio's get here )

Where did you take my mama ( Slap...slap ... slap... she hit me three times in the face I could taste blood so I spit it out at her, yes I know I shouldn't do that but hey she is getting on my nerves)

Heavenly-Grace- "She is not your mama I am, I came to take you back you will be with me from now one my baby boy, I am sorry I hit you but I will not take your disrespect do you understand me.

Gabriel pov - what mama, I thought she was dead, okay you need to play it cool, remember training gain trust which will be hard cause I don't like her I know what she did, she killed my Nonno and Nonna , ' I looked within myself and said just suck in up Gabriel they will be here soon I know it all you have to do is buy some time if you have her trust and she believes you love her and want to be with her then cut you lose then you can find your truth mama Kayla and get her out of her or at least some where safe.
I start doing surveillance around the room I can see where the cameras are but they all still have blind spots.
I can do this, I noticed that one of the guys place his phone with me so I screamed out mama and looked at the evil witch with my best fake smile then as soon as he turns I sweep his phone underneath me then of course the evil witch comes smiling over sitting next to me.

Heavenly- Grace - I will cut you lose but you better not run and I promise the truth will be revealed very soon my boy.

Gabriel- I promise, I won't run ( watch as they walked out of the room I start attending like I'm going to the kitchen to eat return to the blindspot and send a text to papa so he can trace the phone.
Hopefully they will get here soon, I am so worried about Mama and the baby, I hope there both okay. I grabbed a cookie to make it look real and started eating and place the phone on the table before I sat backdown.

At the Cruz mansion:

Mateo pov- we where all down in the cells trying to get the bitch to talk but she can barely make out any words we have been down here for hours working on her and nothing which has me completely worried about Kayla and Gabriel, are they safe are they alive did that crazy bitch hurt them, did she fill my son with lies, I know he will never believe her but I can't help feel like that because she is still his mother no matter how disgusted it makes me now.
As I grabbed the Electric cables my phone chimed in letting me know I got a text it was from Gabriel he did , my smart boy, you did it hang on figlio I'm coming.

Mateo- Markus trace this number Gabriel sent me a text.
I want the location immediately.

Markus- I'm on it Capo

Junior- what did he say, does he know where he is, is Kayla with him

Mateo- he just said that he hasn't seem kayla since they where taken
Damien is a rat
Then he said, I'm on it I remembered my training.

Junior- his a smart boy, Relax Fratello we will have there Location soon and we will get them both out of there and we will deal with her and that Rat Damien, they both will get what is coming to them.
Well looks like we don't need to ask this bitch, do you hear that you are useless to us now.

Mateo pov- I grabbed a gun and shot her and her sister right between the eyes mio fratelli get up and walk out and start preparing and packing everything we need for our attack.
It's time to finish what started in the past for I will never let it ruin my future and the happiness that comes with the ones I love.

Mateo mafia Prince finds his true loveWhere stories live. Discover now