Daisy's office out burst

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Jacinta pov- I hate this I really do, I have to listen and do whatever the new spoilt princess wants all because Mr Cruz is watching, worst is yet to come I was to scared to tell my sister, you might wonder why I am scared of my little sister, well I try to be bitchy and mean like her in hopes mother will see that I am as beautiful and as intelligent as her, my hole childhood was all about Daisy, getting her the most Beautifulest expensive dress for prom or a date with one of her wealthy friends sons to our mother I am to ugly and useless to ever find a rich husband so she said we must do everything in our power to see that she gets one the richest and most powerful man in the world, she made me scare of all other applicants so she would get the job here.
Just as I was about to get another coffee for the princess in walks my sister and she has a displeasing Look on her face.....

Daisy- 'what the hell Jacinta, I thought you where suppose to get rid of her, I wanted him, him and I where sleeping together for like 2 weeks straight and then he all of a sudden wants his ugly PA then I here they are getting married, ' no I won't let that happen it can't and you will help me get rid of her, you know how mother feels about this she wants Mateo for me too.
You said you had a connection with someone who wants her dead so you will help her so I can have him.

Jacinta- I have seen them together it's kinda sick but even I can say his crazy in love with her maybe you need to I don't know find some other rich man you can live of ( slap)

Daisy- that is what you get for saying that, I don't want anyone else I want him , so I will get him.
Anyways I am going to see my husband to be I just know his going to make me marketing director after all there is no body better then me.

Jacinta- wait Daisy don't go in there

Daisy - why I hear Junior in there, I know he will want to see me , I am going to tell him I got the Tillman account, he will be so impressed that he will forget about that little bitch.
( I walked into the Directors office which will soon be mine but as soon as I open the door, my anger slowly started to build up again, there was Mateo in there seating on the couch eating with this fat bitch I mean look at what she is eating.
I clear my throat to gain there attention they didn't even acknowledge that I am here.
And put on my best fake smile )
Mr Cruz how wonderful of you to come down here I have great news , I got the Tillman account, Mr Bradshaw is on the fence a little but I know I can turn him around ( I said with a smirk looking directly at Kayla )
So have you decided on who is going to be marketing director, I trust that you will make the right decision.

Mateo- very good Daisy, I am aware Mr Tillman call me him self I will be meeting with him later this afternoon, to answer your questions, I have chosen and it's ( cutoff)

Daisy- thank you Mateo I new you would make the right decision after all this department would have fail if it wasn't for me, I always get them to sign with us ( I said smiling sweetly at him )

Mateo- Miss Holland I am going to stop you right there, I suggest you listen to everything I say before you React.
Mrs Cruz here ( I looked at her with a smile before I gave her a soft peck on the cheek ) will be   The new marketing director she went to college for it un like you, yes you have gotten a lot of clients for us but there is more to it then flirting with them to get them to sign, yes I know everything that you do, you have even slept with some of them.
I need someone that can do that and more without sleeping with them.

'No .... No.... You can't do that, this fat bitch doesn't deserve it.
( I couldn't help it I just started picking everything up close to me throwing it at her screaming until Mateo's pulled her away shielding her then his security Julian and Dominic came in and dragged me away )

Mateo- Take her away now, you now where,  I will be there later.
( I turned back to Kayla who is shaking that's when I see the droplets of blood falling onto my  hand that's when I see the big gash on her forehead)
' shit tesoro come on I gunna get you out of here , your gunna be okay I promise you.
( I see she breathing picking up almost like she is having a panic attack then it just stops and I look to her to see her eyes are close and she isn't moving , I place her in the car and I speed home, I called Jeremy on the way telling him what happened he said he will be waiting,  when I finally made it there Junior was outside I told him I will tell him about it later right now I need to get up stairs to the hospital wing )

Jeremy- okay lay her on the bed , I will clean her wound  and stitch her up, then I will run some test, her wound isn't bad enough for her to pass out like that so we will take some blood and check to make sure there isn't anything else going on with her.

Mateo pov- I was seating beside her, Jeremy just finished taking her blood he said he will check but not all of it will be ready he said he can have some in a few hours he said she should wake up soon.
I sat down beside holding her hand, I'm not going anywhere, I will deal with Daisy later  when I know she is okay.

Kayla pov- ahh my head is killing me , I touch my head and Immediately hiss in pain, she what the hell happened to me , that's when it came back that crazy bitch Daisy threw something at my head because I got the job she wanted.
I slowly begin to open my eyes fully and I see Mateo seeing beside me holding my hand his eyes our went wide then he pulled me into a tight huge holding me close to him .

Mateo- baby are you okay how you feeling, ( I see her point to the bucket 'shit I think she is gunna be sick I grab the bucket and she starts throwing up, it's probably from the blow to the head, I held her hair out of the way until she was done then I grab a wash cloth and wiped her face.)

Kayla - where are you going......

Mateo - I am just going to get rid of this and then getting you some mouthwash to get that taste out of your mouth I will be right baby okay, I won't leave you ever....
( I got rid of the trash, well I gave it to one if the maids to get rid of and clean I grab a bowl and some mouth wash and came back )
Here you baby gargle some mouthwash I am sure the taste of vomit will only make you feel sick again ( I watched as she did it , them pointing to the water which I happily gave her, that's when Jeremy walked in, with a smile he is trying to hide )

Jeremy- Kayla I am glad your awake how you feeling

Kayla- A little nauseous and I did throw up but  I guess that is expected because of the blow to the head

Jeremy- well yes but in this case not really

Mateo- what do you mean not really what's going on, is there something wrong with the test you ran.

Jeremy- no there is nothing wrong, but something is going on inside..

Mateo- ' cut the crap Jeremy and spilt it out.

Jeremy- okay okay... ( I turn to face Kayla )
The test shows you are pregnant, I can't tell you how far yet but we will now more when We do an ultrasound, congratulations .

Kayla- I was lost for words , I am pregnant, I am gunna be a mom, I was to shocked and a little scared to look at Mateo what if he doesn't want another kid, ( Mateo grabs my face and makes me look at him )

Mateo- You have no Idea how happy I am, I can't wait for our little one to come into the world and wait till Gabriel hears he is going to be over the moon he has always wanted siblings like all his cousin have.
Ti amo il mio tesoro ( I love you my little treasure)

Kayla- I love you too.

Mateo- forever and always...

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