Epilouge 1

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( time skip )

Mateo pov- I stand alone in a room dreading what is about to happen, It truly makes me want to beat the shit of myself  for giving my blessings, I certainly didn't think she would be this young my only daughter getting Married on her 18th birthday, I always repeated to myself that she would always stay il mio piccola Principessa and she would never leave my side but today she will leave me ( I lonely tear spilled out of my eye )
Don't get me wrong Armando is a good man, I know he will take good care of  her , that and he knows I will kill him if any harm comes to her.


Mateo- yeah..

Kayla- Mateo amor ... I know you are saddened that today you are giving her away but she is just getting married you know she will always be your little girl and the love and devotion she has for you will never be taken away.
She will be more then okay with Armando he is just as possessive and overprotective as you where to me and you know that is true, do you remember when she was arguing with you after what happened to her , she wanted to go back to school, who talked to her and put a stop to it and got her to cave in , it was Armando and he has also kept his promise and did not do anything more then a kiss and cuddle with her so you see amore she is with a man who not only worships the ground she walks on but also has the Utmost respect for you are family.
Now come on your principessa is waiting for you to walk her down do not keep her waiting.

Mateo- I know your right tesoro but it doesn't make it any easier.
Ti amo ( sweet sensual kiss )

Mateo pov - I started walking to where Kayla said she was waiting for me and when she final came into my view I couldn't contain the tears, Reality my little girl is Married I have to hand her to another man at that moment my heart broke a little, but I pushed that aside as I could see the happiness in her eyes the only sadness I saw was because of me she knows she means the world to me.

Mateo pov -  I started walking to where Kayla said she was waiting for me and when she final came into my view I couldn't contain the tears, Reality my little girl is Married I have to hand her to another man at that moment my heart broke a little...

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( just the dress not her )

Mateo- il mio piccola principessa sei così bella ( my little princess you look so beautiful )

Shall we go...

Gabriella- yes I am ready papa.. but before we do I just want to tell you something, I know your upset about me getting married because you think me getting married means you lose me but you should know by know papa you will never lose me, you will and forever be my protector and hero the only difference now if I have someone just as crazy and possessive as you are to do it so you relax a little take mama in another holiday.
Armando is a good man and I know this because I have grown up around the greatest and strongest men around to show me how a man should treat his woman but my first lesson was from watching you with mama, so please don't worry to much, I will come by all the time.
( I kissed both kiss cheeks and held on to him tightly)
Now if it's okay with you papa I will like to get married now.

Mateo- of course Principessa anything for you ( I kissed her cheek then hook her arm with mine and we made our way to the ceremony.

Time skip........

Mateo pov- after the wedding was over I felt a little low giving my sweet principessa away was the hardest thing I ever have to do.
I may be a hard ass ruthless businessman/ mafia man but when it comes to Principessa Gabriella I a mushy marshmallow, not ashamed to admit it she has me completely wrapped she hasn't even been gone for day and I already miss my little girl that's why I came out here to the lake It was our favourite spot we would seat here for hours just talking about everything and nothing at same time.

Kayla- I new I would find you here ( I wrapped my arms around him, I new how hard this would be for him, those to shared a special bond it was nothing like I have ever since, I hate seeing him like this, no knowing what to say right now I just held on to him and leaned closer and started kissing him softy and sweet which  like always he turns it into a heated passionate kiss)
I love you Mateo with my heart and all that I am.

Mateo- I love you to tesoro, you are and shall always be my forever and Always.

Mateo pov- We just stayed in each other's embrace starring of into the lake as the moon glistens upon the water.
I maybe Sadden slightly about my little girl but I will always have il mio piccola tesoro ( my little treasure )
As long as I have her in my arms when my last breath leaves this earth I shall die a happy man.

Mateo mafia Prince finds his true loveWhere stories live. Discover now